Master Bounty Hunter (HISHE)

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Henry: N- Wait! *Clears His Throat* Wololo.

Guard: What Does That Mean?

*Frog Shoots the Guard and Kills Him*


Frog: There He Is!

Turtle: Let's Do This!

Frog: We'll provide Supressing Fire, You Loop around and Get Behind Him.

Joshua: Here is A Bright Idea, How About you Pick Better Weapons To Do Surpressing Fire instead of A Rifle and Two Pistols Having Him End Up Spotting The Person You Call A Legend.

Frog: You're Right. Any Miniguns?

Eel: There Is Three Right Here.

Frog: Alright Grab'em And Let's Go!

*They Shoot the Miniguns All Around and Henry Was Able to Behind Him and Spook Him, Keeping the Squad Alive*

"But this is How it really should've ended"

Toppat Member: Oi! Is That? He's Got the Boss!

*Henry Pulls Out the Pew Pew Gun and Shoots Every Toppat Member, And Was Able to Get The DRHM and Himself On The Helicopter*

General: Excellent job Henry, you shot every toppat member with a really cool gun, I got to say we got to take that gun in for scientific researches though, But we'll let You keep a hold on to that gun for now, we'll be calling you for any more missions necessary, if we need you.

Charles: You Know, I think you aced this whole bounty hunting Thing.

(Legendary Bounty Hunter) "My Ending"

The Henry Stickmin Collection (Videos, HISHE's, Cafe Scenes, and Afterwards)Where stories live. Discover now