After the Events Of (Stickmin Space Resort)

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*1 Year Passes*

"Burt": Hey Sir, We are Scanning an Enemy Ship coming right for us.

Henry: who is it?

*A Red Haired female in a Space suit on a Pink Space scooter*

Burt: does a red haired female seem familiar to you?

Henry: well I don't think so, I mean the one I saw was at the wall, it doesn't look like one familiar let h-

Burt: wait a minute it looks like she's trying to attack!

Henry: Well, Shoot it Down.

*Lasers Fire*

*Choice Selection, 5 Seconds*

1. Lightspeed

2. Zap

3. Stop and Use the Force

If You Picked "Stop and Use the Force"

*The Mysterious Figure stopped her Scooter, Closed her eyes, and held her hand up*

"Burt": Sir, It looks like the figure is stopping.

Henry: Shoot It Down! Now! Maximum Firepower!

*The Guns Fire Rapidly at Pace*

*The Force Unleashes from her hand, as The Lasers were fired, Surprisingly not hitting her, Just Paused right infront of her*

"Burt": Uh Sir, She Didn't Get hit, In fact she paused the lasers from hitting her.

Henry: What?

*The Figure now Pulls back and Thrusts her hand, "Return to Sender style" and The Lasers come back*


Henry: Activate the Tractor Beam!

*The Lasers took out most of the Cameras and Then the figure was pulled in by a tractor beam*

???: Good, I Can Get a Room and Meet the Very one who runs this resort.

Guard 1: State Your Business!

Guard 3: Customer or Thief?

???: I Am A Customer, Sorry if i was going high speeds, I was excited to see it.

Guard 1: Front Desk is past that door The Very thing you see in the very far Left.

Guard 3: Sorry about the Inconvenience Ms....

???: I Am Ellie, Ellie Rose.

*Henry Comes In*

Henry: Sorry about the Inconvenience we thought you were something bad like an Asteroid gaining speed, Uh... Were you followed?

Burt: Hey sir, Our Recovered Camera Just picked up something coming in fast, It looks like it is going for the station and Scare Everyone Aboard!

Ellie: I can Help!

*Choice Selection*

1. Shoot

2. Net

3. Secret Weapon

If You Picked "Shoot"

*The Lasers Fire Hit it, Destroyed It*

Burt: It Looks Like we Got A Bogey in Bound, It Is Another Space Station!?

*In The Other Space Station*

Reginald: Take That Space Resort Down!

Toppat Tech: Roger that!

RHM: I Will take care of the Leader.

*Choice Selection*

1. Force

2. Yell

3. Sour Note

If You Chose "Sour Note"

Henry: Everyone Cover Your Ears! I am About to Fire a Sour Note Noise with this Tuba!

*Everyone Did what he said*

*Blares A Bad Note*


RHM: What Is That!?!?

*Somehow The RHM was actually Blown completely back to Earth, Burnt*

Burt: My my, I didn't know you could do that! Nice! Horrible but Nice!

Henry: Nice!


Reginald: Send out the fighters! I want every single innocent person on that faker station destroyed!!

Toppat Tech: Yes Sir!

Burt: Uh Sir, They are about to destroy the station what should we do?

1. Supreme Dominance

2. Ellry Combo

3. Shield

4. Surrender

If you picked "Supreme Dominance"

Henry: Supreme Dominance Must Be fired.

Burt: They will fire theirs too!

Henry: Me and Ellie will be on the Turrets trying to weaken their weapon supply.

Burt: Sounds like a plan.

Henry and Ellie: Turrets Locked On.

Burt: Supreme Dominance In Range!


Toppat Tech: Sir, their firing surpeme dominance!

Reginald: Oh no, All of this planning and we don't have a secret weapon!



Henry: Well done, Everyone.

Ellie: Y'know Henry, I am beginning to like this place, Can i stay for as long as i want?

Henry: Of Course.

*Partners in Space* "My Ending"

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