After the Events Of (Pardoned Pals)

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*Helicopter flying*

Charles: We are Entering Toppat Airspace Now. Altitude 15,000ft, Windspeed Slow and the Visibility Is Clear Stand By For The Drop.

*Cuts to Henry and Ellie Holding Hands and Looking Cool, Henry had a Toothpick in his mouth while Ellie Was Smoking*

Charles: I Hope You two don't mind helping us out again, I Called Ahead and Got the All Clear from the General, I am Pretty sure you two got a lot of questions, Do not Worry, He Will fill you two in, So What's left of the Toppat clan has set up an Underwater Base In The Ocean, Way Down at The Bottom, don't worry the air capacity should be filled up enough to Make It All The Way down there. *Green Light Flashes* Alright, Were Over the Drop Zone, Time To Drop, Were Over A Clear Drop of water To The Underwater base, All you gotta do is stay safe and bring the toppat clan to an end. Time To Drop, Go Go!

*They Drop, Appearing they have Scuba Suits On, One black, One Pink.*


Ellie: All right we submerged, we found the bass, we just got to figure out how to get in without getting detected.

*Choice Selection*

1. Laser Fingers

2. Underwater Missile Launcher

3. Explosives

If You Chose "Laser Fingers"

Charles: So there should be a laser setting for your gloves, give it a try.

*Henry and Ellie Activate Laser fingers and Make it past to a Door where the water almost overflowed the runway, Thanks to Ellie's Quick Actions The Water Only Over flowed the Engine Room, Which will cause an Explosion in 5 Minutes*

Ellie: the door should be able to hold the water in, But we should probably find a way out before it explodes.

*They Crossover to another door to the hallway*

Ellie: looks like the doors jammed this is the only way through.

*Choice Selection*

1. Hack

2. Forcelift

3. Vent

If You Chose "Forcelift"

*Henry And Ellie Slowly Forcelift the Door and Quickly sidestep to the otherside*

Henry: That Should Do It.

*Henry and Ellie Run and Discover Reginald and The RHM*

Reginald: Wait a minute those two are the ones that betrayed us, and exploded our rocket.

RHM: I'll be willing to go to round two with this guy.

*Choice Selection*

1. Fuse

2. Synchronise Takedown

3. Style On'em

4. Surrender

If You Chose "Synchronise Takedown"

*Ellie Starts Ripping Reginald's Armed "Arm" Off withe Force and Henry goes Underneath and Sweeps both of their Legs*

Henry: STICKMIN... PUNCH!!! *A Big Light Forms almost Breaking the Glass*

*Reginald and RHM Are defeated*

Henry: Were Running Out of Time.

*The Two Run and Find the Escape Pods*

Ellie: Which One Should We Take?

*Choose A Pod*

1. Luxury

2. Old

3. Regular

4. Mystery Pod

If You Chose "Regular"

*Ellie Pressed the Button, Used the firce to grab the Toppat Out and The Two Were able to sit down, They Made sure they keep it tightly sealed*

Henry: Well That was Intense, Can't Wait to Start a Life together...

Ellie: Yeah.

*Suddenly A Strong Toppat Comes in and Pushes Henry Out, Ellie Used the Force to Keep the Toppat In Stasis And Not Moving So That Henry Could make it, But He Didn't He Kept fighting the Toppat and The Door Closed*


*The Escape Pod Left the Base, Leaving Ellie Worried*

Henry: Ellie?? You there?

Ellie: Yeah!? Are You Ok!?

Henry: Yeah, Just A Little Roughed Up Is All. Got Him though, There gotta be another Escape pod around here somewhere.. *Grunts* unfortunately all the other parts are taken I guess I'm going to die a happy man. We Did It, Pretty Good Plan... Could Say It Was Greatest... *Explosion*

Ellie: Henry!? HENRY!?!? *Hears Nothing Looks back at the Explosion* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WAIT!! What's That!? *Sees Henry* I can still save You!

*Ellie steers the Pod to Henry who was unconscious, She Quickly Opened the Door To Quickly let Henry Inside*

*Quickly She Shut the Door once Henry Was Inside*

*Henry remained Unconscious But His Heart was Beating Slowly*

Ellie: Oh, Thank God, You Are Okay!!!
*She Clinged Onto Her Boyfriend, Set the Escape Pod To The Location of The Helicopter, and Cried tears Of Joy*



*They reached the Top and Charles Pulled the Two Out, Looking at Henry which none of his body is moving but His Heart was still beating, Fortunately, He Needs To Take Him to someone who can help him*

Charles: I'm going to take us to someone who can help us. Unfortunately, it's going to take a few days, but we'll only be there for our friend.

Ellie: Agreed and Best Do it Immediately.

*Charles Flew the Helicopter to A Small Nursing Boat*

Charles: Doc, We Got A Situation!

Dr. Vinschpinsilstien: Bring Him To Me.

*Ellie Walks With The Injured in Bridal Style, and Hands Him to the Doctor*

*2 Days Later*

*The Screen Goes White*

"Resurrected" (My Ending)

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