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- Real name: Mark Lee

- The Mastermind Behind It All


"So, how's it going? Did you enjoy my little house?"

The words are spoken into the open but no response if given. Fear kept their mouth shut and confusion kept their words in.

They were faced with nobody other than the Mastermind. Someone they had merely learned about so briefly, yet left them all with a horrid fright.

"Oh come on, not gonna say anything? You were much more chat-full upstairs, why not now, hmm?"

The voice went again and you could just see the look of boredom spread on the Mastermind's face. Or should we say Mark Lee. but that's another story.

He was surrounded in a ray of darkness, the only thing to bee seen was his face and torso which was highlighted by a whit light above his face. 

"We're not gonna say shit to you." One of the other girls in the room mumbles under her breath.

"Aww, why not? I love a good chat." A pout places itself on the Masterminds lips and some just couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright cut the bullshit, what do you want with us!!?" Haseul gets up from the floor and yells at the screen, the volume of her voice causing a loud echo to bounce around the room.

"Hey, no need to yell, small one. I don't want anything to do with you"

Looks were shared across the large room. Most confused and others...confused also.

"Umm... it doesn't look like it" Hyunjin mumbles with an arched eyebrow. "I simply just kept you here for fun" The man laughed and fear grew in the room. It wasn't a normal laugh, it was one that was more sinister than sincere.

"Being locked up here 24/7 sometimes gets a Hybrid bored you know?" He continues to explain. "So why don't you just let us go?" Jinsoul questions.

"Oh no, no, no, you must not have understood me. You're not for me, you're for someone else."

"I mean, come on. I'm as much human as I am vampire, I don't need you to survive how... idiotic" The Mastermind had continued and all the girls in the room grew red. Anger, embarrassment and more under the sun.

They had been played and they knew it.

"S-so who are we for?" Gowon questions.

"Oh, You'll find out soon. Let's just say...they're my own little pack. I mean, what is a master without his puppets? Maybe I should be called the puppet master instead." The man gleams with a sinister smile that is like tar to the eyes.

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