The call

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Shortly thereafter, McGee checks the phone records, Torres goes to the base where the victim worked to talk to the comrades and Ellie is on her way to get something to eat. She just came back with a taco in her hand when her phone rings: "Special Agent Eleanor Bishop, how may I help you?" “Hello, Agent Bishop, this is Kate Todd, Ziva's predecessor. Are you alone?" “Not at the moment. Do you have my cell phone number?" “Unfortunately not. Only Ziva gave me your phone number." “Okay. I'll call you right away", says Ellie and hangs up. "Who was that?", asks McGee. Ellie ignores him and walks toward one elevator and pushes. When the doors open, Torres is standing in the elevator. Instead of getting off, he tells Ellie to come to him, which she does. Ellie presses the ground floor button and the elevator starts, but about 1 second after the elevator has started, Nick presses the emergency button. "Why are you doing this?" Nick leaves the question unanswered: "Sit down." Both sit down and Nick takes red lollipops out of his jacket pocket, which look exactly like the ones Jack is missing. "Are those Jack's lollipops?" Nick nods and gives Ellie the lollipops. "But...", Ellie wants to reply, but Nick interrupts her: "Ellie, we have been working together for several years now, and I know how much Gibbs lives by his rules, but I love you. I have loved you since the first time we worked together. But the fact is, I'm a man and I have not been able to confess my feelings to you. So, last night, after duty, I rushed over to Jack's office and picked up the red lollipops, because red stands for love." When Nick notices Ellie's expression, he calms her down: "Don't worry, I put her money under her keyboard. She just doesn't seem to have found it yet." “Oh, Nick, that's really nice and sweet of you. But I insist on one thing: You gotta take a lollipop, too." "Do you love me too?" “Yes! Didn't you notice?" “No. And the others probably didn't notice either.” “Okay. Before someone notices, we'd better get back to work", says Ellie and gives Nick a kiss, which he returns. Then she presses the emergency button and the elevator starts moving. When the doors open, Ellie and Nick look at each other in love for a moment, then Ellie leaves the elevator and goes outside.

"Agent Bishop, is that you?" Kate asks as her phone rings. " Yes. You can call me Ellie. Why are you calling me? "Everyone thinks you're dead because Ari shot you with a Kate." "I'll explain later. The most important thing is that you pick me up at the airport. I am here because Ziva, Tony and Tali have been kidnapped, I am their neighbor, and I have the kidnapping on video." "Okay, I'm on my way right now. I suppose you'll give me the details in a minute." "That's exactly what I was thinking. I'll see you in a minute. And Ellie, please hurry," says Kate, then hangs up.

"Ellie, where are you going?" asks McGee as he walks Nick out of the NCIS building. “Why? What are you doing?", asks Ellie, who was on her way to her car when McGee approached her. "We are now going to arrest the murderer of Petty Officer Pie. What are you gonna do?" I have something extremely important to do. I'm afraid it can't wait. Does Gibbs know you're going to arrest the killer?" Yeah. He sent us out too. He's meeting with Ducky right now, probably for the wedding. "Okay. Can you manage without me?" Yeah. Are you sure your thing is so super important?" Yeah. See you later," Ellie says before she gets into her car and drives away.

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