The end

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Washington DC, USA
At Gibbs' house
5:39 pm

Everyone's at Gibbs' house celebrating. Gibbs sees Jack standing a bit away from the others and goes to her. He stands beside her, puts one arm around her shoulders, and pulls her towards him like he did at Christmas two years ago. Jack looks at him and Gibbs kisses her. Inside, Nick sees Gibbs kissing Jack. Right away, he calls the others. Ellie stands next to Nick and puts an arm around his shoulder, while Nick puts his arm around her waist. Kasie notices and says: "I'm going to find a therapist." Everyone looks at her in amazement, only McGee rolls his eyes. But then he looks at Ellie and Nick and moans. Ziva, on the other hand, stands next to Nick and whispers in his ear: "Finally" Nick smiles and rolls his eyes. Jack and Gibbs have now noticed that they are being watched and have gone back again.
"Boss, did you just break rule 12?", Tony asks incredulously. "DiNozzo, how can you break something that doesn't exist?" "Boss, how many more rules did you just burn?", asks McGee. "Gibbs ever burned a rule?", asks Ellie. "Will you please stop making such a fuss about this? I only burned rule 10 and rule 12. I don't want to hear about it anymore!" Gibbs sees the looks of the others. "No! I mean it!" "Gibbs, did you just do that because you read my message?", Jack asks. Gibbs looks confused. "What message?" "The note that was on your desk yesterday morning; computer signature, no name and signature", Jack describes the note. Ellie is blushing. Jack notices it and asks: "Ellie, how did you know about the note? Were you snooping on Gibbs' desk?" "What? No! You left that note on my desk under the donut! I thought it was from Nick!", Ellie defends herself. Now Jack is blushing. "Maybe you've misplaced your lollipops, too", Nick speculates. "What makes you think that now?", Jack is outraged. "Because you had misplaced the note as well,...", Nick replies. "Ellie, were you in my office and did you take the lollipops?", Jack asks. "No! That was Nick. He also put money under your keyboard!", defends Ellie. "Nick, is that true?" "Yes. But only for Ellie", says Nick. "Now that we've cleared everything up, we can move on!", Ziva says. They party late into the night.

So, this is the last chapter of my first fanfiction on here. I hope you liked it and I'm going to publish the next one soon

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