Rule 12

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Washington DC, USA
Navy Yard, NCIS office
6:38 pm

Nick has told Abby, Kate, Kasie, Ducky, Jimmy, Tali and Vance that Jack has written to him and that Jack is on his way with Ellie, Ziva and Tony and they are doing fine. Now they're waiting in the office by the elevator for Jack, Ellie, Ziva and Tony to arrive. The elevator arrives at the top, the doors open, and Gibbs and McGee are coming out. Everyone looks a little disappointed. "What are you looking at?", asks Gibbs. "We were actually expecting Sloane, Bishop, Ziva and Tony. They should be here any minute", Nick replies. A few minutes later, the elevator comes back up. The doors open and this time, Ziva, Tony, Ellie and Jack come out. Tali runs to her parents. "Ima, Daddy!" Tony and Ziva hug Tali. Abby can't wait any longer and hugs Tony, Ziva and Tali. "Abby. Abby! Abby!!! Enough! You're crushing us!", Ziva stops Abby. Abby lets go of Tony, Ziva and Tali. "Where do you sleep?", Gibbs asks. "My place. That was our agreement. They were supposed to stay with me for the next two days. All four of them", Abby replies. "But all our things are still in Paris", Tony realizes. "I took them with me. Your mobiles as well", says Kate. "There's something else I need to say: You might have some missed calls. I was worried", says Abby. "And where are our things?", Ziva asks. "Ellie, did you put our stuff somewhere else?", Kate asks. "No. The stuff is still in the trunk of my car", Ellie replies. "Otherwise, can we sleep at your place? Nothing against you Abby, but I don't think we'd all want to carry our stuff from one car to another anymore", Tony asks. "Sure, I'd love to. That is, if that's all right with you, Abby", replies Ellie. Abby nods and Nick looks a bit disappointed. "See you tomorrow", Kate, Tony, Ziva, Tali and Ellie say goodbye, then they get into the lift.

Washington DC, USA
Ellie's apartment
7:27 Pm

Ellie, Ziva, Tony, Tali and Kate are sitting at Ellie´s table eating pizza. "Ellie, can you take Tali to Delilah's tomorrow to look after her during the wedding?", Ziva asks. "Of course. But when were you planning on moving to DC? And do you need help?", asks Ellie, after answering Ziva. "Actually, within the next two weeks. Tali should stay with McGee and Delilah until then", replies Tony. "And how do you like the move, Tali? Are you looking forward to DC?", asks Ellie. "I find it a bit silly that all my friends live in Paris. But I´m going to see you more often", Tali replies. "I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends here," says Kate.

At the same time at Gibbs' home: Gibbs is sitting on his sofa and watching TV when a thought comes to him. He turns off the TV, gets up and goes to the closet in the living room. He opens the lower cabinet doors and takes out a small box. It is the box with his rules. He opens it and searches until he finds rule 12. He pauses briefly and reconsiders his decision. Then he goes to the burning fireplace and throws the rule into the fire. Then he goes down to the basement.

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