The next morning

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Washington DC, USA
Ellie's apartment
6:22 Am, the next day

Ellie wakes up, looks at the clock and notices how early it is. But she also knows she's not going back to sleep. She gets up, goes to the kitchen and makes coffee. While the water boils, she writes a message: Hi, Nick. Sleep well? If you're awake, we can write. I'm alone with my coffee right now. Miss you (several hearts follow). Since Nick does not answer, she prepares her coffee and sits down at the table. 5 minutes later her cell phone vibrates; Nick is now also awake and answers her: Hi, Babe. I slept well. What about you? Ellie answers: Also good. Nick writes: I missed you. How's your head? Ellie writes back: Really good. Doesn't hurt, doesn't look good... But I missed you a lot too.
Ellie hears someone getting up in her room: Nick, I'll see you later. One of the others is awake.
Ziva's coming into the kitchen. "Good morning, Ellie. You got any coffee for me?" "Hi, Ziva. Of course." Ellie gives Ziva a cup of coffee. "Aren't you excited?" Ellie asks. "Yes, I am. Somehow I'm afraid of the wedding. What if I don't get a word out or I just collapse?", Ziva worries. "That's not going to happen. Trust me. I've been through it all." Ziva automatically looks at Ellie's hands, but does not detect a ring. "When...?" "A few years ago. I married Jake when I was in the NSA. Then at NCIS, I found out he was cheating on me. We're divorced now", explains Ellie bitterly. Ziva looks worried now. Ellie notices and calms her down: "Jake was an idiot! Tony would never do anything like that! Because if he did, he would have to deal with Gibbs. Besides, he could never do something like that to Tali." Kate comes to them. "Good morning. Ziva, aren't you excited?" Kate asks. "Yes, I am. Even more now", Ziva replies. "Are you sure coffee is not making you any more nervous?", asks Kate. "Not really." Ellie gives Kate a coffee. "Shouldn't we wake up Tony and Tali? Otherwise it'll be too late for them to have breakfast", says Ellie. "Let's give them another five minutes", says Ziva. Tony and Tali are also coming into the kitchen. "Good morning. You don't have to wait another 5 minutes", says Tony and takes the coffee Ellie is serving him.

Shortly afterwards Tony, Ziva, Tali, Ellie and Kate sit at the table and eat waffles. It is noticeable that Tony and Ziva are both very silent and can hardly bring down a bite. They both look very nervous. Tali eats her waffles and doesn't notice anything but Kate and Ellie notice it and they take a look at each other but don't say anything and eat their waffles. Since Tony and Ziva don't touch anything, Ellie eats their waffles, too.

20 minutes later Tali says goodbye to Tony, Ziva and Kate, then she goes out the door with Ellie. Outside Ellie and Tali meet McGee, who wants to pick up Tony. "Good morning, Bishop. How's your head?" "Morning, McGee. Pretty good. You´re picking up Tony?" "Yeah. You bringing Tali to Delilah?" "Yeah. See you later", Ellie says goodbye to McGee. As McGee goes to the front door, Ellie unlocks her car and Tali and Ellie get in.

Washington DC, USA
Ellie's apartment
7:18 Am

Ellie opens the front door and goes inside. "Ziva, Kate, we should go. Abby is probably waiting for us", says Ellie. Ziva and Kate get up and get Ziva's wedding dress. Then they leave the apartment and Ellie locks the door.

Shortly afterwards at Abby's house: Ellie rings the bell while Kate and Ziva stand behind her. Abby opens the door. "There you are at last! I've been up and ready since 5 o'clock!", Abby shouts and hugs Ellie, Ziva and Kate. "Abby, we weren't supposed to meet until quarter to eight!", Kate replies. "I was so excited, I couldn't sleep." "But you're not getting married, Abbs! Unlike me. And I slept until 6:30 after all", says Ziva. "We should get going. Otherwise we're not going to make it all!", Ellie pushes and everyone gets into her car.

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