They're fine

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Washington DC, USA
Navy Yard, Sloane's office
5:52 pm

Nick and Kate are in Jack's office waiting for Abby and Tali. "Where are Abby and Tali? Shall we look for them?", Nick asks. "Only if they're not here in two minutes", answers Kate. Not a minute later Abby and Kasie come in with Tali; they have led Tali through the whole building. Tali runs to Kate and hugs her. Abby takes Kate aside: "Well? Did you find them?" "Yes. Jack drove them to the hospital." "To the hospital? Are they hurt badly?" "No. Gibbs only sent them as a precaution. They're fine. Ellie and Ziva even refused to go to the hospital." "Ellie refused? Eleanor Bishop, formerly of the NSA, refuses to go to the hospital?!" Nick is going to join Abby and Kate. "Believe it or not, she really refused. We almost had to force Ziva and Ellie into the car at gunpoint," says Nick.

Washington DC, USA
Washington General
5:58 pm

Jack's waiting outside the treatment rooms for Tony, Ziva and Ellie to be discharged. In Ellie´s treatment room: Two doctors are examining her head wound. "Listen, I'm fine! I just need you to put a band-aid on it, that's all!", says Ellie. "Your colleague told us that you had been hit on the head." "But that wasn't so bad!" "Your colleague also told us that you fainted after the blow." "Listen, I'm fine, really!", Ellie tries to avoid further investigation. "You may feel that way, but we just want to make sure it´s not serious or that your wound is infected."
"Your colleague also told us that you fainted after the blow." "Listen, I'm really fine," Ellie tries to avoid further investigation. "You may feel that way, but we just want to make sure you're not serious or that your wound is infected."
At the same time in Ziva´s treatment room: Ziva is being examined by two doctors. "I'm fine! It can't take that long to examine a small wound", says Ziva. One doctor answers: "Your colleague told us that you were injured in combat. You were also anesthetized. We just want to make sure that everything is all right."
In Tony´s treatment room: Tony is also being examined by two doctors. "Can I go home today or do I have to stay here? Because I have a little daughter", asks Tony. A doctor checks the test results. "You can go home. However, you may well feel a bit dizzy today. But tomorrow you won't feel any more of it." "Thank you." Tony gets up and goes to Jack. "And?" Jack asks. "I'll probably feel the effects of the anaesthetic today." "That's great."
Ellie and Ziva come out of their treatment rooms simultaneously. They look at each other and realize they both reacted the same way to the doctors and start smiling. Jack and Tony see that Ellie and Ziva are discharged, too. Tony hugs Ziva and Jack hugs Ellie. They then walk to the exit and get in the car where Jack writes another message to Abby.

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