Kate's story

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Washington DC, USA
Navy Yard, NCIS office
12:55 pm

McGee is sitting at his desk talking to Torres when Ellie and Kate come into the office. “Kate? No. It can't be. You are dead. Bishop, this is not funny at all!", says McGee. "Who's Kate?", Torres asks. "Kate was Ziva's predecessor. She was shot by Ari, Ziva's half-brother”, answers McGee. "Kate is still alive", says Ellie. "Ellie, this is really not a good joke. To get a woman to dress up like Kate", McGee gets upset. Ellie gives Kate a sign and the two of them go upstairs to Jack's office. On the way there, they run into Gibbs, who hasn't been to the office to get coffee: "Bishop, you get someone to dress up like Kate,...” "Gibbs, this is really... " “Bishop, don't you have something else to do? Get to work!" Since Gibbs isn't listening to her anyway, Ellie and Kate continue on to Jack's office.

"Hey, Jack." "Hi, Ellie. Who's this?" " Jack, this is Kate Todd, Ziva's predecessor. Kate, this is Jacqueline Sloane, forensic psychologist." Kate and Jack shake hands. "Nice to meet you, Kate." "It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Agent Sloane." "You can call me Jack if you like. Everybody around here does." Ellie, Kate and Jack go to Jack's office where they talk and Kate shows them two videos.

Meanwhile, down in the office, Gibbs has gone to McGee and Torres: " Tim, what's Bishop up to?" " I don't know. But it's definitely not funny. " Can somebody tell me who Kate is? Because I have absolutely no idea." " Kate was Ziva's predecessor. She was shot by Ari back then. Shot in the head with a Bravo 51, full metal jacket."

"Jacqueline, did you do what I asked you to do?", asks Ducky, who just walked into Jack's office. " Hey, Ducky. Of course. I'll bring it by later." "Hi, Ducky." "Hello, Eleanor. What are you doing up here?" "Talking with Jack. What was she supposed to do for you?" "It's not that important." "Right, Tony's and Ziva's wedding is more important", says Kate. " Caitlin?" "Hi, Ducky." "But... I did your autopsy." "Ducky, calm down. You didn't do an autopsy on me." "But how...?" "I'd be interested in that, too." " We also", says Gibbs, who has now gone with McGee and Torres to Jack's office. "Hi, Gibbs. Hi, McGee. Hi Agent, I'm sorry, but I don't know your name", says Kate. " Torres. Nick Torres. And you're Kate Todd." Kate nods. "And why are you still alive? Not that that's a bad thing", McGee asks. " That's not so important right now", Kate replies. " Yes, it is. You wanted to have told me in the car", replies Ellie. " Otherwise just leave out the details. " " Okay. I overheard Ari trying to kill me. So I contacted the Mossad. They got someone who was going to be killed anyway, to pose as me. She was then shot by Ari and autopsied by Ducky. Much more important, however, is the fact that Tony, Ziva and Tali were kidnapped", says Kate. A short moment of silence, then you hear McGee call out: " What? How do you know that? When were they kidnapped? And by whom?" " Firstly, I am her neighbor, secondly, at 1:34 am. tonight and, thirdly, I have no idea." " Why did you come to the States if they were kidnapped in Paris?", asks Jimmy, who has joined the group. " I was looking for you", he says to the questioning looks of the others. " Ellie, please show Gibbs, McGee, Agent Torres, Ducky and Palmer the videos I just showed you and Jack. Then we will all be on the same page", says Kate. Ellie first shows the security camera video from the house where Kate, Tony, Ziva, and Tali live and then one from Orly Airport in Paris where Tony, Ziva, and Tali are tied up and accompanied by eight men on their way to a private jet. " How do you know they're in the States?", McGee asks after the videos. " I looked at the flight schedules and there was only one private jet flying around the time, to DC. So I took the next flight to DC and here I am", replies Kate. " And why did you call Bishop and not any of us?", asks McGee. I didn't know if you still had the same number as before or if you would believe me. Besides, Ziva told me to call Ellie if anything happened." “What happens now, Gibbs?", Nick asks. “I would also be interested in that. And where we are already there; who is this woman?", asks Vance, who has joined them in the meantime. Jack's office is now almost full. Ellie takes Gibbs' place and introduces Kate and Vance to each other: “Director, this is Kate Todd, Ziva's predecessor. Kate, this is NCIS Director Leon Vance. And yes, Director, Kate is still alive." "What are we gonna do now, boss?" “Well, what do you think? Start the search!" “What should we be looking for?", Kasie, who is now in Jack's office as well, asks. “Kasie, this is Kate, Ziva's predecessor. Kate, this is Kasie, Abby's successor", introduces Ellie, then continues: "We need to find Tony, Ziva and Tali because they were abducted from their apartment. Kate is her neighbor, and she's got the abduction on video. Can you maybe analyze the videos?" Everyone looks at Ellie confused, Gibbs keeps giving orders: “Tim, you're helping Kasie! Nick, I need another report from you. And, Bishop, we'll talk. Now!" Jack's office empties, just Kate and Jack stay there and talk.

Ellie and Gibbs get to the elevator, push and get on. Gibbs pushes the emergency button: "What was that back in Jack's office?" "What do you mean?" "When you told Kasie what to do." "Nobody interrupted me." "It's not about that! You can't just give orders to others!" "Actually, it wasn't an order, it was a suggestion." “That's not the point! It's about the principle!" "What principle?" "The principle where the agent gives an order or makes a suggestion in the presence of his boss!" "This is quite normal." Ellie presses the emergency button and the elevator continues to move.

Ellie gets off the elevator and sits down on the table with Nick. "What did Gibbs tell you?", Nick asks. “Nothing important. Where are you on the report?" “Almost done. I just need to print it out." Nick presses print and Ellie gives him the report from the printer. " Thank you. Now I'm done." "Why don't we take a look at where McGee and Kasie are at?" “Good idea. Maybe we can still help them." Ellie and Nick get up and walk to the elevator. There the doors open and Kate stands in the elevator: “Thank God you're here. I didn't feel like searching the whole building for you." "Why were you looking for us?" "Because I want to talk to you about something I don't want anyone else to know." Ellie and Nick go to Kate in the elevator, Kate presses a button and the elevator starts moving. Ellie pushes the emergency button. "Why are you doing this?", asks Kate. “So that no one else will know what you want to talk to us about", Ellie replies. "What is it about?", Nick asks. " If we find Tony, Ziva and Tali, but something goes wrong with the rescue and one of us is kidnapped, we'd better have a GPS device with us.” " Why do we need a GPS device? We have mobile phones?", Nick asks. Ellie explains: " Because hijackers usually turn off phones, remove the battery or throw the phone away." "And what about McGee and Gibbs?" "Gibbs would forbid it and McGee would ask if Gibbs allowed it." "Shouldn't we have a small concealed weapon on us for safety?" Ellie and Nick nod. Ellie presses the emergency button again and the elevator continues.

"Whoa! Can you read minds?" "Why do you ask, Kasie?", asks Ellie. "Because we found her!", McGee replies. "Have you informed Gibbs yet?", asks Nick. "I was just about to", McGee replies. At the same time, Ellie gets a message from Jack: Ellie, did Kate tell you about our idea? Ellie replies: Yes. Then Jack writes: Come to my office for a short time, then I'll give you the devices. "I have something important to do. I'll meet you in the parking lot!", says Ellie before she leaves Kasie's lab. "Gibbs knows. We're supposed to meet him in the parking lot." “I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!" shouts Kasie to Nick, McGee, and Kate.

A short time later in the parking lot: Ellie comes to Gibbs with Torres, Kate, and McGee and says: "I'm going with Torres and Kate. If that's okay for you, Kate." Kate nods and McGee looks like he'd rather be riding with Kate. They get in the cars and Gibbs drives off. Ellie gives Kate and Nick a GPS device each. Then Ellie drives off, too.

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