The Wedding

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Washington DC, USA
In one room
9:40 am

Ziva sits on a chair while Abby and Kate do her hair and Ellie does her makeup. When Ellie is finished, she looks out the window and sees that almost everyone is already there. She turns around. Abby and Kate are done, too and Ziva gets up. Ellie, Kate and Abby look at her speechless. "OMG! You look fantastic! Tony can hardly contain himself!", Abby calls, almost crushing Ziva with a hug. "ABBY! You're smothering me!" Abby lets Ziva go. "You're really stunning," also says Kate. "But my head wound...?" "It's virtually invisible", calms Ellie Ziva. Ziva is on the verge of tears. Ellie, Abby and Kate are glad they finished each other off first, because suddenly there's a knock at the door. "Are you ready?", asks Gibbs. "Yes. You can come in", Ziva replies. Gibbs comes in and hugs Ziva. "You look beautiful! You and Tony are a perfect match and I am very proud of you!", Gibbs says as she looks at her. Abby, Ellie and Kate leave the room so Ziva and Gibbs can have a moment alone. Ziva is on the verge of tears. Gibbs holds her in his arms. He kisses her on the forehead. "You ready?" Ziva nods. Gibbs holds out his arm to her and Ziva puts her arm in his, and they leave the room together.

Outside in the meadow, everyone is now sitting in their seats: Ellie between Nick and Jack, Tali between Senior and Delilah. On the other side of Delilah sit Johnny and Morgan. Victoria sits between Jimmy and Breena, Ducky on the other side of Jimmy. In the back row, Vance, Kate and Kasie. At the altar are the pastor, Abby and Tony and McGee. Everyone turns around when Gibbs comes in with Ziva. Gibbs is walking Ziva down the aisle. Gibbs hugs Ziva again, then he sits down next to Jack.

The pastor greets everyone: "Ladies and gentlemen. We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Ziva and Tony. Tony, if you wish to take Ziva here present as your lawfully wedded wife, please respond: "Yes, I do." Tony is nervous and thinks he's not gonna get a word out. He looks deep into Ziva's eyes. She looks back, nervous. Her look gives him the strength to say the three words. "Yes, I do." The pastor now asks Ziva: "Ziva, do you take the here present Tony as your lawfully wedded husband, you also answer: "Yes, I do." Ziva looks at Ellie first. She nods at her. Now she looks at Tony. He looks back at her with a nervous smile. Ziva responds: "Yes, I do." The pastor continues: "Please exchange the rings now." Abby comes to Ziva and gives the ring, McGee does the same to Tony. Tony takes Ziva's hand and puts the ring on her finger. Then Ziva does the same to Tony. The pastor continues: "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you to husband and wife. You may now kiss th..." Tony doesn't let the pastor finish, he kisses Ziva right away. It's a long kiss, they block out everything around her. Everybody claps.

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