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It was a long and busy night for Jackson as he was busy packing basically all night, even though he was only staying for three days, he still felt that he needed to try and pack all his wardrobe into one suitcase. You could say he went a bit overboard.

Jackson even washed his football gear for no reason, he wasn't going to play football, he was going to visit his princess and hang out with her and inevitably meet her family and if you ask Alexa or Jackson, they'll both deny that they're dating or in a relationship.

Jackson always got butterflies whenever he thought about Alexa but it was getting even worse tonight. In 24 hours he'll be sleeping with Alexa and he's going to be happier then he has been since she used to go to his school and live in the same town as him. He couldn't get her off his mind.

Now with Alexa, she couldn't sleep, she was tossing and turning all night like a rag doll but she couldn't fall asleep. Similar to Jackson, Alexa couldn't fall asleep because she kept thinking about this weekend and how happy she's going to be when Jackson comes and see her.

Alexa has all of these great big fun activities planned that cute couples would do, but of course they weren't a couple... they keep saying. Alexa then decided to text Jackson thinking he wasn't awake and that she could send the text and delete it the next morning without him seeing it, because she had school, it was only a holiday for canadian schools, but she didn't know this.

Alexa: I cant wait to see you Jack Jack, you don't know how special you are to me, I'm just waiting for the day that you ask me to be yours and I'll start bawling my eyes out and it'll make me the happiest girl in the world, I just wish I had the confidence to tell you to your face or when you would be awake. Please never leave me, not that i'm in love or anything I just I-I feel safe around you and in your arms like that one night at my house.... goodnight Jack Jack🖤

Jackson was doing laundry and got a notification that Alexa had texted him, and when he checked what his princess has said he was in shock.

Jackson replied and Alexa had seen that and got super embarrassed.

Jack-Jack😍🖤: You're special to me too, my princess 😘❤️.

Alexa was so embarrassed by this and was blushing a deep shade of red even though Jackson couldn't see her.

Alexa decided not to respond as she had already done enough to make herself look like a fool and went to bed since she had an early morning and a long day ahead of her tomorrow before she could get to see the love of her life and super big crush Jackson.

*Time skip to Friday*

Jackson had boarded his flight early in the morning and his body was shaking with excitement like a little kid because he was going to see Alexa. Especially after seeing the text she sent him, that made him feel even happier and more confident in what he wanted to do while he was there.

Jackson's flight was around 2-3 hours so it wasn't too bad at all, his only problem was that he didn't have a way to get from the airport to anywhere else, he was just landing so he was able to turn on his phone, and his phone was met with almost 5 minutes of vibration from Alexa spamming his snapchat with cute selfies with a bunch of random filters that were adorable as well as some texts about how excited she was to see him.

Jackson had no american money in him either which didn't really help. but luckily for him, Ohio is a football state, so he decided to call an uber.

The uber pulled up to the airport and picked up Jackson and surprisingly enough to Jackson, the uber driver knew who he was.

When Jackson asked him, he said that everyone in the USA knows about him because he's the only Canadian player to be ranked a 5-star recruit and be from Canada, it also didn't help that everyone thinks he's going to Ohio State University, one of the best football schools in America.

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