She's alive!

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3rd point of view

When Maze woke up, she groaned in pain. Her chest hurt. It would be expected since she literally had her heart ripped out. She looked next to her, where Kai was still passed out. She flicked his nose.

"Wake up." Kai slapped her hand away.

"Go away." He muttered. Maze grinned, setting a small fire on his shirt. He screamed as he tried to put it out. "Stop it!"

"But it's funny."

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Hey, I just saved you. Anyways, let's go to my house." Maze flicked her wrist, extinguishing the fire. They wandered through the forest until they reached her mansion. There was a faint screaming coming within it. Huh. She threw the door open, walking in with Kai. More like dragging Kai since he refused to get up.

"Is this your house?" Kai asked.

"Yeah. Hello?!" She called out. Sooner than the words came out did everyone appear in front of her.


"I'm back! I brought a stray," she said, ruffling Kai's hair. Enzo and Elijah sped towards, engulfing her into a hug. Kai was knocked away from her and growled, inflicting pain into their head but stopped when it was hurting him too.

"Fuck you Maze!"

"Fuck you too Kai. Don't ever hurt my mates again." Kai's eyes widened.

"Is it really you?" Caroline asked, wrapping her in a bear-hug. Her voice was cracked, her eyes swollen from crying. It broke Maze's heart. Tyler and Jeremy just stared at her, as if they'd seen a ghost. Technically, she was dead.

"I'm here." She whispered, stroking Caroline's hair. She kissed her forehead before walking over to the boys. "Tyler? Jeremy?" That snapped them out of their daze. They hugged her tightly, almost falling down in the process.

"Elskan." Elijah called out. She hugged him tightly. He looked like a mess. He and Enzo both did. Elijah wasn't even wearing a suit. He wore a regular shirt, which reeked of alcohol. She kissed both of them then blanched.

"I love you two, but you both reek of alcohol. Go take a shower, I'll be waiting in the living room." They hesitated but obliged when she sent them a stern glare.

"You have more than one mate." Kai stated, plopping onto the sofa.

"Gee, thanks for noticing Captain Obvious."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you too." Kai lunged at me and was caught mid-air by Enzo.

What's going on?" Caroline asked, seeing Enzo snarling at Kai and Elijah standing in the middle of the doorway.

"There's too much tension here.." Caroline squealed and hugged her.

"Yeah, we really need more girls around."

"Enzo, darling, let Kai go." Enzo reluctantly listened and sat himself next to Maze. Elijah joined them aswell.

"Who is he?" Elijah asked, his hand gripping Maze's thigh possessively. It was one thing for his mate to come back to life, but to have her come back with another guy? It made him furious.

"Malachai Parker."

"I met him when I died. Er, got my heart ripped out." Everyone except Maze and Kai winced at her bluntness.

"Maze, you died." Tyler whispered, tears rolling down his face. Jeremy hugged Tyler.

"They said that Damon killed you." Jeremy said sadly. Maze could tell both of them hadn't been sleeping. There were bags under their eyes. Actually, everyone had bags under their eyes. The room reeked of alcohol and drugs.

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