Chapter 3

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Jayden's POV

When we made our way towards the Werewolf Capital, we had to take a different route cause of the local human construction site that started to pop up.

The route that we took led us into werecat lands. Their name suggests what they are. Like us, they're another supernatural race. But unlike us, they shift into large numbers of cat species. Lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars. Those are just some of them.

We know very little of their kind since we haven't had a good enough relationship with them in the past.

Werewolves and Werecats were once great enemies in the past. War broke out between the two species and many lives were lost. Thankfully, most wolf packs and cat prides have broken into a treaty. And if that treaty is kept then peace will reign between us.

I haven't really seen a werecat in my whole life and to see one while we were here trespassing in their lands is not how I wanted it to happen.

"So Jonathan. Have you ever seen a werecat??" Nathan decided to break the silence as we walked.

"No. But Jayden and Sebastian's grandfather did." He said.

"Really?? And did he say anything about them??"

"Well he said that they're strong. Very strong. And fast. Very agile. In the war between our kinds us wolves had a very difficult time fighting them." I listened to them as I walked in front.

"So you're saying that they're the more superior species??" Nathan asked.

"Well as I said they're stronger, faster and more agile but I think with proper training a wolf could easily stand up against them."

They both stopped walking when they noticed that I myself suddenly ceases walking and with a very alert and serious look on my face.

"Well it looks like we're about to find out ourselves." Was all I said before as unfamiliar scents invaded me.

Growls could be heard around us and with my heightened sense of sight I could only see glimpses and shadows moving in the undergrowth.

We were completely surrounded so making a run for it was not an option.

"You know, trespassing in our lands..." A young looking guy comes out of the bushes. "Gives us the right to kill you mutts on sight."

He had dark hair with deep brown as that looked at us with distaste and a hint of anger.

"We mean no harm. And we apologize for trespassing but please understand that we had no choice." I explained before he chuckled out and werecats started walking out of the bushes.

"You always have a choice." He said as I eyed them.

"We didn't. We have urgent matters that requires us to be at the Werewolf Capital. But humans have blocked out our usual route with their constructions so we had no choice but to go through your lands." He seem to be in deep thought when I said this.

"What are your names and the name of your pack??"

"My name is Jayden Grey. And these are Nathan Quinn and Jonathan Grey. Jonathan is of the Silver Moon Pack while Nathan and I are of a rogue pack known as Bloodrose." He raised a brow at me.

"Bloodrose?? Silver Moon?? What is one of the most powerful pack doing together with a notorious rogue pack??" We looked at each other when he said this.

"I can guess that this partnership has to do with the war between your kind and the vampires." He suddenly say.

"How do you know of this??" He looked at Nathan like he was stupid.

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