Chapter 56

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Jayden's POV

All of us silently waited in this study for my mate to say what she had to say to us.

She looked unsure for a few seconds so I gently took her hand in mine. "Just tell us Madds." I said as I gave her a small smile.

She nodded her head in response before giving out a sigh.

"As you all may know already, Kate was the hidden traitor within our ranks." She started and I felt a wave of anger coming from behind me to see Darryl looking pissed.

"Do not remind me of that traitor. Even just hearing her name makes my blood boil. I cannot believe she conspired against us. Turning her back against her own pride. Giving Marcus our plans. And carrying out the plan on taking the stone and kidnapping the young pup along with Leo and Tracy." I was surprised by this.

' So he didn't yet know.' I thought out.

"No Darryl. There are still things you need to know. Kate wasn't working alone."

"Cause Leo and Tracy worked with her as well." I finished for her and this earned a shocked expression to form on the werecat alpha's face along with some of the others as well.

Shock quickly turned to anger as Darryl eyed me carefully. "You're accusing my Beta, the guy who's also my best friend and the person who I had been with since we were cubs. And Tracy, I just can't believe she'd do such a thing. Both of them." He said in their defence.

"I'm sorry Darryl, but the fact that he's your friend only made you blind to the suspicious acts that he's been carrying out with Tracy." I said.

"Like what exactly??" This time, it was King Luther who asked us.

"Mikey and Cole had accidentally heard one of their conversations once. And it involved them giving out our plans to Marcus. Plus, his re-occuring disappearances once in a while and the fact that when we were at Hollow, the capital was attacked and the enemy forces entered from the portion of the territory which Leo was suppose to guard." I explained it all to the werecat alpha, and I saw his expression slowly turning sour as I went on.

"I-I'm.. I-I'm sorry Jay but... But I just can't believe it. I know Leo, both as a beta and a friend. He would never do this. I... I just don't know what to say."

"We'll know his reason on why he did this once we find him and Tracy. But till then, we'll just have to assume that he along with Tracy and Kate are the traitors to our alliance." He didn't say anything else as Jacob placed a calming hand on his shoulder.

"There's more that you all need to know." Maddison voiced out which earned all of our attention.

"I'll start from when I found out about Kate."

Maddison's POV

I sucked in a breath as the rest of them waited patiently for what I was about to tell them.

And as the memories of the events that transpired here came back to me, I felt a growing concern for my mate. Cause what I was about to tell them, chances are he's going to blame himself even if he wasn't at fault.

Flash back

"You're the traitor." I found myself saying to her but she only laughed.

"Bingo. Honestly Rose, how did you not notice??" She teased as the vampires and rogues stood behind her.

"Well, I guess it's understandable since I made Tracy and Leo do all the work." I was shocked.

"Leo?? You mean.."

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