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I found peace in your violence.”
- Khalid & Marshmello

03 March 2017 - New York City

"Can we please have two cups of plain black coffee and two vanilla donuts?" Mitchell politely asked as we were standing in front of the cashier.We were currently at a random Cafe, ordering our boosters so that we could study for our upcoming tests.
It may sounded bizarre that we were studying just after our first test was over but then, we were reminded that we're the study maniacs.

We walked over the far table over the corner of the Cafe and sat down, huffing exasperatedly. We had just come back from uni after a long and tiring day. Today, we went there to collect our results and I was so disappointed when I scored an average mark - I wasn't usually an average student and I knew deep down that River's stay affected me but then, it was just a test, I kept reminding myself. I needed to give my best effort into the upcoming one and on the other hand, I was proud of Mitch because she came out first in her class. When I told her about my results, she still congratulated me and told me if I would like to go to a Cafe to talk about life and stuffs but here we were, our piles of book in hand.

Recalling about River, I haven't heard about him for around two days now. I called him a few times but he neither picked up nor did he text me. I felt a pang of pain clutching to my heart but I shrugged it off - he could be busy since he said he had to get some jobs done;I was still very perplexed about the job he exercised but I didn't want to pressurize him and besides, I didn't want to do something that would possibly cause a riot between us.

"Here you go girls. Enjoy!" the redheaded servant chirped as she placed our order on the vintage wooden, rounded table.

"I love your hair," I complimented her.

"Thanks! I'm Jo by the way."

"I am Reese and this is Mitchell." Mitchell waved her hand lazily at her and she returned the favor.

"I'll catch up with you later. Got some asses to serve!" she joked before running off to the counter.

I added some sugar to my tasteless coffee while Mitchell accidentally added more than needed. I laughed at her silliness before moaning at the deliciousness of my donut. I wasn't usually addicted to donuts but life changes,right?

"So, did River boy call?" Mitchell inquired as she took a bite of her donut and moaned equally. I nudged her arm with my elbow and she rolled her eyes.

"Nope. I think he's busy." I was trying to think positively out of the situation because knowing myself more than myself, I knew that I'd overthink the whole situation.

"You know, you should stop siding on his lane. If he forgot to call you, then he forgot and doesn't like you. I mean, don't try to take the good things out of everything because the nicest one always end up getting hurt." I felt quite irritated at her statements but I didn't want to lose my friend either.

"I don't know... at one time he's calling and texting me endlessly and then, he's literally ignoring me... I'm confused...he is confusing." I admitted, feeling quite hurt. I knew perfectly that what Mitchell said was completely true and despite battling my thoughts that it could just be an assumption, I was losing that battle.

"Ignore him babe. He will come when he wants and you'll care when you want." We didn't talk about River again with me dodging every possible conversation about him. I wished I was the girl that didn't care much;the one that could think straight despite her boyfriend ignoring her.

We ended up staying there till the Cafe closed and the beneficial part was that Mitchell and I made a new friend, Jo. Her shift ended earlier and she took the time to come towards us. We learned that she is an Australian, that she has five siblings and that she has a boyfriend of seven years. Feeling like she was trustworthy, I told her a piece of my love life.

"I've got to go girls." She said, as she left a note on our table with her phone number on it and left afterwards. It was currently 5 p.m and it was our queue to leave the Cafe. I left Mitchell at the curb of her house
before heading home. On my way, I stopped by the grocery store to buy some snacks. While parking the car, my phone buzzed in my pocket and I was so delighted when I saw that my teacher sent an email informing that she wouldn't be here until the end of this week - she just mentioned that she had to leave town and nothing more.

I made my way inside of the store and bought whatever was necessary - Hot Cheetos, random chocolates bars and gelatine sweets - my favorite ones. While walking, pulling my cart forward, I sticked up a note in my mind that I had to call my mother tonight. With her going to France, we both had less free time and since I was free for the rest of the week, I would call her and Kate also. During the weekend, I was planning to watch some movies, to watch more movies  and to perhaps resist studying - I needed some days off. After paying for my snacks, I headed back to my car and drove to my house. I took out the groceries, cleaned my apartment and made dinner for myself. It was only 7 p.m,so I showered and opted to watch a film.

My phone suddenly rang and I rushed to fetch my bag, hoping it could be River but my joy faded when the caller ID read 'Mitchell' with the funny monkey emoji beside.

"Hey bae, what's up?" I asked as soon as I picked up the call.My eyebrow instantly raised when I heard a muffling noise. "Are you okay?" I continued as I paced around the living room.

"I feel depressed!" she screamed and I pulled the phone away from my ear.
Mitchell was very often depressed for no particular reason. She needed love and as soon as she received the right amount, she'd be okay.

"Can I come to stay over?"

"Sure. I'll be waiting."

I breathed in relief when I looked around the house, mentally thanking myself for cleaning it earlier - the notes classified by letters on the cupboard, the pens perfectly organized in my stationery drawers.
I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn as I recalled that Mitchell loved popcorns. I was planning to watch a whole season of Prison Break tonight with a dozen of snacks displayed on my coffee table. I was basically trying to get myself drunk with snack. Did that make sense? I don't think so.

After a while, the door finally knocked and as I walked over, my phone rang once again.  an attempt to multi-task, I picked my phone up without watching who it was and went to open the door to let Mitchell in. She headed to the couch while I went in the kitchen.

"Hello Reese." Mom spoke and I frowned when I realized that I was supposed to call her in the first place.

"Mom... I was just about to call you." I lied, laughing.

"Right. I'm calling you to tell you that I'm coming back to Texas earlier than usual for some reasons. So, you should expect to hear from me in a few weeks again." My mother was a tough person in general but there was some moments when her heart would soften for a little bit. Before my dad passed away, she was the sweetest human, always caring about my sister and I but then, her love and compassion for me kind of died on the inside. The last time she cared for me was when I arrived at Texas around a month ago. I cried even more that day because I felt loved again.The love of a

"I'm sorry I disturbed you." Mitchell excused herself as she stared blankly at the screen of my laptop.I managed to get her to stop crying after my mother hung up and I comforted her. I had a little doubt that Mitchell was depressed - anxious mostly - because judging by her looks and attitude, she has a crush on Camel and perhaps she feel in love with Jo? I pitied her but the power of love could reduce us all to ashes.

"That's okay Mitchell. We are best friends and I would do anything for you. You're like a sister to me!" I laughed and she silently chuckled. I pecked her forehead before pausing the show we were watching. We ended up not watching Prison Break but Euphoria instead. I walked over the kitchen, scooped some ice cream and put them in two individual bowls.

Mitchell and I stayed up all night, talking about life after watching the whole TV show. We discussed on River and on Jo and Camel somehow. She indirectly indicated that she liked the both of them. It didn't bother me at all that she liked a girl...

Because I'd do anything for her like she did for me.


A #reechell chapter! Hope you enjoyed.
Am I the only one who dreams having a friendship like #reechell's?

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now