Character info - Demons

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(will be updated over time)




Blood demon art:

Flesh Apart

Allows him to detach flesh from his body and turn it into different blobs that can be sliced apart from others to create smaller pieces until it evaporates when it gets too small.




Blood demon art (s):

Beautiful garden

Using this, she can create illusions from her blood and mimic a sakura garden upon her prey, with the smell causing them confusion.

Sakura's Sway.

With a draw of blood, it can render a person unable to react to other things around them thanks to the scent, along without being able to think twice about their actions of speech, making it easier for them to answer questions with honesty. The designated person will usually sway like sakura flowers.





Blood Demon Art:

Hidden specialty

Using this, he can hide anything from view, except from other supernatural things like Puffer's spines that can be used to track down anyone.

Charming Control

He can use his charms to distract a person and have full control over them when using a sheet of paper. It can only be stopped when the paper is destroyed or the person is killed in some way.


Yugi Amane



Blood Demon Art:

Meteor shower

Using his blood, he can form many small flaming rocks of any quantity that can go at the speed of 4 m/ph, enough to penetrate halfway or completely through the target's body. They can be quite explosive if it hits the target hard on impact, but only affects demons. Although, can still hurt a human if they get hit, which the result will be a minor injury compared to a demon's.


Two whisp-like floating orbs made of his own flesh, they have their own awareness and helps him when fighting and doing practically anything.


Size Manipulation (on Nezuko's wiki page)

Power Restoration (On Nezuko's Wiki Page)

Enhanced Strength (On Nezuko's Wiki Page)

Enhanced Regeneration (On Nezuko's Wiki Page)




Blood Demon Art:

Scale darts:

She can release scales from her body upon her target. It can vary from sizes and is very sharp to the touch.



The assistant of "Mermaid"


Blood Demon Art:

Spiky Locate:
Using his spikes, it can help him locate targets in various locations, along with the most well-hidden places.

{The 12 Kizuki demons and Muzan will be featured in this story/But one or two of them will be replaced as well.}

(Breaths info (of breaths that are made up by me) will be released later or tomorrow.)

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