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Huff... Huff...

Yashiro was having trouble following Yomori-sensei down the trail, the basket behind her rumbling as she felt sorry for Amane who had to deal with the mess in the basket. "She's... huff... so... huff... fast...", Yashiro panted, following Yomori. Taking deep breaths, she just hoped Amane was okay with all the trouble.

After some hours, they finally stopped by a smaller house. Yashiro bent down on her knees, panting hard as she tried to have some control over her breath.

"Is... The... Test... Over...?", Yashiro huffed, lifting her head up towards the woman. The woman took off the fabric on her head to reveal greyish long hair tied up into a ponytail, "We're just getting started, it's far from over. We'll be climbing the entire mountain next."

"Whaa?!", Yashiro nearly fainted right there, feeling that this was too much for her. Yomori opened the door to allow Yashiro in, "Lay him down onto the pillow, and we'll get going." Yashiro nodded, placing Amane down onto it.

"When you're gone, I promise to take care of him", Yomori sighed, "Since he's your 'friend' after all" Yashiro nodded, "Thank you, ma'am." Before she went, though, she pressed a small kiss against her Amane's forehead, before getting up and leaving the home, following Yomori from behind.


Following Yomori down the mountain, they stopped at a very foggy point.

"For this test, you will get back to my home without my guidance.", Yomori stated, "Just because you're a sensitive female doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. Be back before around midnight or else." Then, she disappeared in a whisk of wind.

"H-huh?!", Yashiro just looked at the fog of where Yomori once was, she can feel fear rise to her as she tried to breathe, "O-okay, so I just have to go up the mountain and that's it! I-i have a good sense of smell so everything should be fine..." Walking back up to the trail she came from, she left her hands to wander over the trees for guidance before a stick had clicked to the left from her light touch.

"...Huh?", Yashiro stared at the branch, before being hit in the face by several rocks, then being knocked over by a huge log, "O-ow!" She tumbled into a small pit while she was stunned by the sudden force.

"What the...", Yashiro brushed some leaves and branches off of her, now hopping back up only to stumble to the ground, "Don't tell me this mountain is full of... traps?! Is this woman psychotic or something?!"

Yashiro now got the hint, she had to be more careful and aware of surroundings other than relying on sense at a time. She crawled for a bit before spotting a flat rope on the floor. Stepping over it carefully, she stood back up.

She tried to breathe as she panted, fear building in her lungs, but the mountain air was so... thin!? Yashiro tried to compress her breathing but still kept breathing rapidly in fear. Her arms were shaking, "Y-Yashiro, p-please be brave... You need to save A-amane-kun and a-avenge your whole f-family..."

Running down the mountain, she stumbled over a rock, releasing a rope that caused a rock to slam into her cheek, causing her to squeak. Rubbing her cheek, she kept on running up the mountain, gasping and stumbling every time she took a step. "I really need to learn how to be confident...", she thought to herself.

"If I keep breathing too much... I'll pass out...", Yashiro gasped for air, "I need to control myself." Standing up straight, she breathed a lot of air into her lungs, before breathing out. Slowly breathing, she stumbled over traps as she went down the mountain.


After 2 hours, it finally got easier to breathe. Now approaching the house, she stumbled over in front of the door, now opening it up. The woman turned to the girl, who was taking lots of deep breaths, "...I made it."

She then passed out onto the ground, asleep. The woman sighed, carrying the girl into the house, and laying her down onto a tatami bed.

A day before, in the morning.

A letter was sent by Tsuchigomori to Yomori through a crow, now landing onto her arm. Opening the letter, she read it through.

"Dear Mrs. Yomori.

A girl will be sent your way, possibly towards midnight. She is determined to become a demon slayer herself, and perhaps you're the right person for the job.

This child has lost her own family to demons. And when I was about to execute her dear friend, she ran around and attempted to attack me, maybe even kill me to free him herself. This child is very interesting, determined to fight to stay alive. I also noticed how this child has a great sense of smell like you, with a very strong headbutt.

According from another thing I saw, her friend defended her when she was on the ground, which was unusual for a demon. I believe he will not attack anyone, and that he'd be a close companion to her. They share a very close bond with each other, and that he is different from other demons.

Although this may sound very ridiculous, I request that you take the girl under your wing and train her to become a slayer. I believe she can be a good demon slayer in the future.

Written by, Tsuchigomori."

Yomori closed the letter, slipping it into her kimono, placing a cloth over her head, "If that is so, a good demon and a determined girl. She may be worth training for." The woman then ran into the distance.



Next chappie may be worked on and possibly published later since I am motivated.

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