~:~Final Selection: Part 1~:~

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Yashiro stared straight ahead in surprise, before looking down at her hand to see the same paper boat given to her from Yokoo. Hearing footsteps from behind her, she turned around to see Yomori, coming forward.

"I'll be honest with you, I've never had any intent to send you to the Final Selection.", Yomori sighed, looking at the split boulder. All Yashiro could do was widen her eyes and breathe in with a confused look as if all she had done was for nothing.

"That is because every time I had sent a child there, they always died.", Yomori sounded a bit sad, "I was very sure a female like you wouldn't be able to cut through the boulder but..." Staring straight ahead, Yashiro can feel Yomori's hand rub her head, "Well done, Nene. You've done a great job. You've impressed me."

Tears fell out of Yashiro's eyes as Yomori pulled her in for a hug, "I'd kindly ask for you to come back alive, and in one piece. Amane and I will wait for you."


At night...

Yomori made a bowl of Sukiyaki to congratulate Yashiro on her completion, "Don't be shy to eat a lot, there's plenty to eat." "Thank you, Yomori-sensei!", Yashiro smiled, "I haven't eaten quite a delicious meal in a long time."

Yomori watched as the girl in front of her chowed down, even asking for seconds. "After this day, you'll be facing monsterous beings, and will be going through dangerous quests when you complete final selection", Yomori thought, staring at her.

Right after eating, Yashiro cut her hair up to her lower chest. Before it was near her knee, now it will be shorter than she was used to. Meanwhile, Yomori was prepping a fish-covered yukata with a white base for Yashiro.

"Hey, how did you think of the Sukiyaki?", Yomori turned to ask her. "It was delicious, I've never had such a meal for what felt like centuries!", Yashiro turned, smiling. "Haha. If you have an appetite like that, you'll be a strong girl one day.", Yomori smiled under her kitsune mask.

"The bigger you are, the stronger you get... This also applies to demons.", Yomori stated, "Remember that, Nene. The more it eats, the powerful it becomes." "Okay...", Yashiro fully understood what she meant, "The more they eat, the harder to defeat..."

"Soon, they'll get stronger and stronger, change in appearance, and learn how to use strange spells against us," Yomori stated, opening a cupboard. Yomori took out a kitsune mask, offering it to Yashiro. It is designed with teal outlining the eyes with three oval-shaped designs ending with sharp edges on the top, along with two dots on the mouth.

"It's a warding mask, with a spell to ward off danger.", Yomori said. "...It makes sense now.", Yashiro sighed to herself, holding the mask.

In the morning, birds chirped happily.

In the home they were in, Yashiro prepped herself. Putting on her mask over her face. She slipped on her yukata with a white cloth to keep it together and hakama pants tied at the ends with a blue fabric ending with white socks and sandals. She then put up her hair with another white cloth to prevent it from going into her face, with her clips acting as a back design for it.

She then hung her sword on her back, now wearing all she needed. Before going, she checked in on Amane, who was clearly still asleep. Taking out the same paper boat by Yokoo, she placed it down next to him, now patting his forehead as she gave him a soft smile.

Heading out, she had a short conversation with Yomori. "You don't have to worry, I will take proper care of Amane for you.", Yomori stood there. "I understand that, Yomori-sensei. Thank you.", Yashiro bowed.

Turning around, she waved, "Bye, Yomori-sensei! See you later!" Yomori waved back, hoping she'd survive after the seven days at the Final selection had ended.

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