~:~Mt. Kamome~:~

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Yashiro had ordered Amane to temporarily stay in a cave while she tries to find something bigger she could use to hide him in away from sunlight.

She spotted a farm up ahead. Walking on the trail of the farm, she asked the visible farmer, "Ah, sir. May I have the basket over there with some bamboo and straw?" "Feel free to ma'am, the basket has holes in it anyways."

"Thanks, sir, I'll pay for it!", Yashiro smiled brightly. "There's no need to, even with the bamboo and straw.", the farmer dismissed it. "I will pay.", Yashiro insisted. "You don't need to!", the farmer insisted as well.

Yashiro grabbed the farmer by the hand, slamming money into his hand saying, "Use this money for your needs!" She then grabbed the basket, straw, and bamboo before running far, "Thank you, sir!"

Running back to the cave, she looked around for Amane, "Don't tell me he's gone-" Amane rose from a hole, presumably hiding from sunlight. Yashiro sighed, now fixing up the box using bamboo and straw and to make it more comfortable.

"Amane-kun, it's me.", Yashiro smiled, "Can you fit in here?" "...", Amane hopped into the basket, before becoming smaller in size before sitting comfortably upright. "Amazing, Amane-kun!", Yashiro clapped before patting him right on the head.

Yashiro then covered it with a large piece of cloth she had with her to keep him away from the sunlight. Carrying it on her back like some backpack, she proceeded to head right out into the sun.

"Amane-kun, are you okay?", Yashiro asked him, walking. "Mmh.", was all that came from the basket. She can feel him shuffle around in it before stopping. She assumed he wanted to find a more comfortable position.


"Mt. Kamome? The shortest way to get there is to get up through Mt. Shino.", a woman pointed towards a mountain, "But it's getting late, and it's almost night. It could be dangerous, and you have a lot of luggage." "I am aware, don't worry!", Yashiro smiled.

She bowed as she walked towards the trail, "Thanks for the instructions!" "Be careful! People have gone missing on that mountain!", the woman yelled. "I will!", Yashiro waved as the woman waved back.

Climbing up the mountain felt like forever, and the sun had already set. On the near-top of it, she spotted a Minka, with light glowing from its inner interior. "Someone must really live there...", Yashiro sighed, "They left the lights on."

Before she could even continue, she smelled a strong iron sent, one that smelled like blood. "B-blood?!", Yashiro's lips quivered as the scent grew stronger, "Someone must be in danger!" Yashiro recklessly climbed up the stairs and forcefully opened the door.

Her eyes widened as she saw a creature feasting on bodies of deceased people it had presumably killed, "A-A demon?!" "What are you doing in my territory?", the demon's voice rose high, before turning around.

Amane seemingly also stood there in shock, breathing hard. "Wait, something isn't right...", the demon mumbled, "One of you are only human..." Silence filled the room. The demon then turned the lights off, now bursting at the girl.

Yashiro looked up, seeing the bare neck of the demon. As a quick instinct, she took the hatchet and slit it's throat, causing it to stop immediately, "How clever, girly. Although, for me, it's just a small scratch~"

The demon then swept into nowhere, now grabbing ber by the neck. She could hardly breathe as she clenched on his wrist tightly, "I'll just instantly snap your neck, girly!" Amane heard all of this, barely remembering anything. But, felt an instinct to...

Running up to the two, he dashed fast as he could, kicking the demon in the head, causing it to fall off and push the body into the forest. He then covered Yashiro's head using his own body, with visible anger in his eyes, "Mmh!"

"W-what the...", Yashiro thought to herself, "Amane-kun just killed him... Wait, can demons even kill other demons?!" "What the hell!?", the demon shouted, "Why in the fucking hell are you siding with some goddamn human!"

Yashiro looked at him in shock, "How in the hell are you still talking?!" Running can then be heard from the distance, the demon's body tearing Amane off of her as a fight pursued. The demon punched as Amane blocked each one before being kicked down.

Yashiro tried to chase after them, only to be stopped by the head that had now grown arms. It tried to chomp onto her, only for her to stop it by using the metal part of her hatchet. She then watched as the demon's body throw (YEET) Amane into the forest, now chasing after him.

Yashiro was surprised by the demon who had arms at the side of his head, but barely did not even question one thing. She shouted, "Get off of me!" She headbutted the demon several times, bring it into a shock.

"What the hell?! Her forehead is just like rocks!", the demon exclaimed, before having an axe thrown at him, pinning him to a tree. Yashiro then chased the direction where the others went, only to see the body of the demon slam into the floor.

Heading back, they approached the demons head, who was still pinned to the tree. Pulling out her blade, her hands shook as she couldn't bring herself to do it. Raising the knife, she targeted the head, only to feel a hand stop her.

Turning behind, she saw a woman with a fox mask, hooded by a cloth, "Normal knives like those won't finish the job." Yashiro was shaken by the masked woman, "How did she appear out of nowhere all of a sudden?!"

"O-okay, so- How do I d-do it then?", Yashiro's voice shook, staring at the woman. "Think for yourself, you can solve your own problems.", the woman said blankly. "Ah, alright...", Yashiro gulped.

"So does that mean... Do I have to crush it?", Yashiro picked up a medium-sized rock, freezing in the process. "This kid is too kind and naive for this world, so hopeless...", the woman sighed to herself.

The demon re-awoke now looking down before staring right up at her in shock, "You, girly! Come here and I'll kill you, you little shit!" Yashiro then turned towards the sunset, "It's too late..."

She then heard screaming, causing her to turn back to the demon. The demon was now burning, before fading into nothing. "So it only takes sunlight to kill a demon... Only that much...", Yashiro mumbled to herself, taking mental notes.

She then started to panic, "Amane-kun?!" Turning around, she saw nothing. Panicking, she ran to the Minka, looking inside only to see Amane hiding in the basket, nearly falling asleep, looking down onto the wooden floor.

Turning around and walking to the corner, she saw the same woman, praying for the presumably buried bodies. "Uh, ma'am-", Yashiro tried to speak. "You must be the one that Tsuchigomori sent you to me, correct?", the woman spoke, standing, "Well, my name is Hakuri Yomori."

Hakuri then turned to face her, now approaching her before slapping her right across the face, causing small tears to sprout out of her eyes. "You little lady is too sensitive and polite, along with being too indecisive and naive!", Hakuri raised her voice, "You took too long to decide, and failed to kill the demon before sunrise, and you didn't even answer my question!"

Yashiro held the slapped cheek, staring right at the elderly woman. "If your friend were to kill someone, you kill him first, then yourself!", Yakuri told her, "Don't let anything bad happen to innocent people! Don't let your friend even hurt anyone, understand?"

"H-Hai!", Yashiro nodded, gulping down the anxious feeling that had been clogging her throat for a while. "Good, now pack up your buddy and come with me!", the woman yelled.


Next chapter will be posted later sgshig-

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