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{Trigger warning: Death, and possible descriptive scenes of violence}

Yashiro screamed.

The village was destroyed, as visible corpses of villagers laid down on the ground. Her first instinct was to rush to her home and try to check in with her family. She was panicking, as her heart started to pound faster and faster.

She rushed on the visibly bloody trail, hoping that her family was okay and well. She jumped over the bodies of villagers and the deceased. That image of the dead bodies will never leave her mind, ever.

Rushing to her home, she can smell a strong scent of blood.

''Oh no no no...!''

She saw the entrance of the home ripped off, with her siblings down on the ground, dead. She saw her mother's severed head and her father's ripped off limbs, leaking everywhere. She ended up tearing up.

She grabbed one of her sibling's hands that was cold to the touch, without any warmth left in them. She was crying the next second, the same temperature was on their parents. "D-demons aren't r-real...", she tried to lie to herself.

In weary, she returned back to the village to check on Amane and his family. She then stumbled across their home, which was torn apart with Mrs. Yugi lying on the front porch. Yashiro ran inside to see Amane leaning on an empty bed, eyes closed as his hand dangled off.

She immediately tried to shake him awake. She then noticed his body temperature was mildly warm, which means he still has a chance to live. Picking him up, she scanned the room for Tsukasa, but he was no longer visible to the naked eye.

Throwing Amane's arm over her shoulder, she ran out and started to run away from the village to seek help from someone.

Running in the forest with the boy on her back, she panted as she ran faster as she can.

"Amane-kun! Don't worry, you'll be okay, I promise...!", Yashiro shouted as she ran faster. She was never the one to be active in playing activities and she barely ran as often, but she knew at this point, she had to run.

She can feel a breath come from Amane, "Amane-kun...?" Suddenly a grown came as he suddenly jerked himself off, causing both of them to fall down into a small cliff into another patch of snow.

She then sat up to see Amane standing, staring down to the ground before lifting his head up to reveal fangs, and popping vangs as his pupils turned cat-like. He lunged right onto her as if he was going to eat her as his last meal.

Yashiro screamed as she took a hatchet from her basket, trying to prevent Amane from biting onto her. "Amane-kun! Listen to me!", Yashiro yelled, "It's me! Please, you have to fight it!"

"You have to...! Please, It's me, Yashiro-san!", Yashiro cried out, trying to push all her strength onto the hatchet that was in the way of Amane's jaw. She closed her eyes, praying that it was all just some nightmare.

She can feel the shoving on the hatchet stop. Opening her eyes, she can see Amane tearing up a bit, his sanity was still there. She then could see a man in the distance with his blade in the air. Her eyes widening, she pushed Amane out of the way, letting her hair be the one to get cut short instead.

When she sat back down, her eyes widened at the sight of the man. He had purplish hair with white hair sitting in the front. His haori had a spiderweb-like pattern as he held a straight face. He held a blade with spiderweb-like patterns as well.

His face was serious, and blank. "I-I'm sorry sir...! I was just trying to find my friend some help!", Yashiro breathed. Amane was growling and kicking around as she tried to hold him tight in place.

She swore she heard the man mumble something before launching forward. Yashiro held Amane tight only to no longer feel him in her grasp. Looking behind her, she saw the same man holding Amane by the collar.

"W-what are you doing?!", Yashiro shouted weakly. "I am a demon slayer, I'd have to kill demons that I end up finding. So, you'd probably have to say goodbye to your friend.", the man said, "He's now a demon, and no longer a human. Demons are dangerous."

"Wait...!", Yashiro screamed, "But he didn't hurt anyone! Not even me!" "He will, eventually.", the man sighed. "He never ate anyone! Please, don't kill him!", Yashiro screamed, only being able to launch herself inches forward toward the man.

"You're kidding. Kid, he would've still eaten you no matter if he knows you or not.", the man stated. He then pointed his sword towards his neck, about to visibly kill him off.

"PLEASE!", Yashiro cried, grabbing onto the cold snow, "DON'T KILL HIM! HE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT! EVERYONE ELSE IN MY VILLAGE IS DEAD...! PLEASE." Her head crashed into the snow, visible sobbing can be heard from her.

"Are you stupid?", the man said with visible restraint of anger in his voice, "Do you really think everyone will respect you? Your wishes? That's how cruel life is, and you can't change that." The girl looked up at him, tears streaming in her eyes.

A wave of guilt hit him, the girl was visibly scared, who appeared to not understand the situation. "I understand your pain, that everyone you once knew is dead. But you need to learn how to let go. Your village has been destroyed, and you're in sorrow with a memory that will be forever printed in your mind. If only I would've gone there sooner..."

Yashiro then stood, running out of view. The man simply tried to track her down before noticing her throwing her hatchet at him before landing face-first into the ground unconscious, tired from what just happened.

He had forgotten he had let go of Amane, who was now defending Yashiro. The man's eyes were wide open at such a rare sight. He had heard someone say that before, but they ended up getting eaten alive by their own relative.


Yashiro woke up to see Amane laying beside her, wearing an extra black haori over his black kimono and red hakama with some sort of bamboo acting as a muzzle. She instantly hugged him close to her, watching the man who was now chilling on a tree.

"You're awake?", the man asked, opening his eyes. She simply nodded shyly, gulping. "Good. Now, climb up to Mt. Kamome, and you will meet an old woman named Hakuri Yomori.", he stated, "Tell her you were sent there for training by a man named Tsuchigomori, and keep your friend out of sunlight. Good luck"

He then swept away, gone from her view under a second.

The next chapter will be posted later today after I write a chapter for my other books.

Against Fate | A TBHK X KNY AuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ