1-Gertrude and the Golden Trio

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  Part of This Plot is Based on Mckenzie's TikToks!!!

    Gertrude Fatbottom took one look at the wall between platform 9 and 10, she took a deep breath as she gripped the cart containing her stuff. Here I go! She thought just before she closed her eyes and ran directly at it. She may have over estimated her distance from the portal, because shortly after she felt a SMACK from the other side of her cart. She hurried around the cart, to see a skinny boy with dark hair and glasses, rubbing his head from the ground.

     "Oh Merlin I'm so sorry!" she said as she helped the boy up. "Wait a minute! You're that Henry Porter kid aren't you!"

    "Actually it's Harry Potter," said the boy nervously.

    "Gertrude Fatbottom, pleased to make your acquainance!" She said with a smile. Harry and Gertrude boarded the train and sat with a boy named Ron, and his rat Scabbers. The candy trolley came around and Gertrude bought the whole Trolley for the three of them (Although everyone thinks it was Harry who did this). Later in the ride a girl with curly hair named Hermione stopped by. She was extremely smart, and she even fixed Harry's glasses. Before she left she turned to Ron and said, "You have dirt on your nose,".

     "Oh I knew I liked this bitch, first day and shes already throwing shade. That's it were friends now. In fact all 4 of us are friends now whether you like it or not!" Getrude said with a smile.

At the Sorting Ceremony

     All 3 of her knew friends had already been sorted into Gryffindor, and Gertrude knew it was the house she belonged in too. She stepped up to the sorting hat and before it fully touched her head the hat yelled "HUFFLEPUFF".

     "What? Couldn't you at least give me a reason like everyone else?" Gertrude huffed.

     "It's close to the kitchen," the hat said confidently.

     "Um well that was a read... I'm just gonna ignore the fact that that was a form of fat shaming, because you're just a hat, but harsh man" Gertrude said rolling her eyes. She walked to her table as the Great Hall stared in disbelief. This school was certainly going to be interesting.
Flash Forward
The first 3 years were similar to how you know it, except alongside the golden trio was the lovable, witty brunette that was always there to share her animal crackers. The 4 were inseparable.
"Oh come on Hermione! I know you transfigured your teeth can you at least do a girl a favor and take off a few pounds???" Gertrude pleaded.
"Absolutely not! Do you know how dangerous that could be?" Hermione said with frustration.
"Yes and I am 100% willing to take that chance" Gertrude said with a laugh. Hermione shook her head in disapproval.
Suddenly a figure pushed past Gertrude with frustration. Of course it was Joanne Rowling! If you thought Pansy Parkinson was in love with Draco Malfoy think again, this girl threw herself at him daily. She hated Gertrude, from the surface she seemed like just a class A fatphobe, but her hatred ran way deeper.
"Draaaakey Poo!" Joanna cried, "Why don't we hang in our dorm later?". Hearing this made Hermione and Gertrude want to puke.
"Merlin's beard Rowling! I've told you once and I'll tell you again! You know I don't like you, not only that I despise you!" Draco scowled.
"Awh you're just saying that Drakey Cake!" Joanna said with a smirk.
"Joanna you know-" the rest of Draco's words were inaudible.
"You've been telling me that since first year and I know for a fact it's a lie, I mean honestly Draco! Who could ever like her!" Rowling yelled. This obviously struck a chord with Malfoy as he immediately stomped away.
Joanna's eyes suddenly turned to Gertrude. She immediately shifted her anger to her. "Look who it is! Hey Gertie did you and Hagrid ever get that DNA test?" She snickered.
"Awh picking apart my weight just to make yourself feel better about the fact that Malfoy would rather kiss a Gringott Goblin before he even thought about kissing you," she shot back. Rowling stomped off as Gertrude laughed.
"I don't get it she's tortured you for 3 years and you're hardly ever bothered!" Hermione said exasperated.
"How could a raging bitch like that bother me? I have a theory that the two brain cells in her head are reserved for 'obsessing over apple boy' and 'overused fat jokes'. I'm honestly flattered that she's that big of a fan!" Gertrude said with a laugh.

     So like this was kind of rough so like lmk what you think I am super open to constructive criticism and ideas! I can tell writing this will be a lot of fun!!!

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