9-Expecto Paronum

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     "I'm the what now? Oh hell no this is not happening!"Gertrude said exasperated. 

     "Proffesor there has to be some other way, she clearly didn't put her name in there she shouldn't have to-" Malfoy began while rushing to her side.

     "Everything happens for a reason Malfoy,"Dumbledore said. 

      "The bloody hell is that supposed to mean?" Draco yelled.

     A hand grabbed Malfoy by the shoulder,"Come along Malfoy we need to have a chat" Moody said while walking Draco off. 

     "Now Ms.Fatbottom, right this way, we must get you ready the 2nd competition is only in an hour" Gertrude walked with them almost as if she was possessed. How was she supposed to compete with such short notice???

     The 5 Champions stood above the lake. Gertrude looked down with utter fear. She looked only to be unable to find Malfoy in the crowd.  Of  course!  She thought. Ron, Hermione, Cho, and now Malfoy, were taken as part of this challenge, and to rescue them, she had to get in the water. No way in hell was she getting into that spooky lake! But she immediately thought of Malfoy, she had to do something. The time began and everyone jumped into the water, except Gertrude. Fleur and Cedric sported the bubblehead charm, Harry ate some weird plant, and Victor turned himself into a shark. Some time passed by and Gertrude had simply stuck a single foot in the water.

     "Don't worry guys... I'll get there eventually!" Gertrude said laced with nerves. Suddenly all 4 of the other challengers emerged, however they all failed to complete the goal. 

   An idea hit Gertrude, she wasnt sure if it'd work, but she sure as hell would try. "EXPECTO PATRONUM,"Gertrude bellowed. Suddenly a blue whispy whale spit from the end of her wand, the whale dove and after a few minutes it reached the surface, in it's mouth were all 5 people. The crowd screamed and Gertrude ran to Draco.

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