14-My Hero

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     Everyone had calmed down from the past few days, Gertrude was celebrated by the entire school. She was given many gifts for the past few days, packs of animal crackers, chocolate frogs, and many cards. She noticed one small package, but the box was glittery gold which caught her eye. 'Too my hero <3 Cerdric'. She opened the beautiful box to reveal a heart shaped necklace with the words 'hero' printed in beautiful cursive. Gertrude stared marveled at it.

     "I reckon you like it?" said a voice from behind her.

     "Cedric, I don't know what to say! This must have cost a fortune!" Gertrude said nervously.

     "It's nothing compared to you saving my life, please accept it!" Cedric said sweetly. He grasped the necklace and fastened it around her neck. Gertrude turned to face him,"Beautiful!"

     "OY DIGGORY, GET AWAY FROM MY GIRL" Draco shouted from across the Great Hall.

     "Listen Malfoy I don't need any harm she just saved my life and I wanted to repay her" Cedric said calmly.

     "Yeah I know all about what she did, your lucky it was her out there if it was me I would have let him Avada'd your arse," Draco chuckled.

     "Draco I can't believe you'd say that? Merlin are you that insensitive? Cedric is just being nice, you should try it some time!" Gertrude said furiously.

     "Bloody hell then Fatbottom why don't you date him then, you like him way more than you like me!" Draco said fuming.


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