18-Not So Loony Lovegood

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     Gertrude waited where Draco had left her for a minute, and once she was composed she started heading back to the Great Hall. When she turned around she once again saw the blonde girl from earlier. 

     "Oh hi Luna I didn't know you were there,"Gertrude said trying to act like she wasn't just crying.

     "Don't worry, Sniffle Snakes always return to their Crumple-Horned Snorkaks" Luna said with a comforting smile. As Luna fluttered away once more, Gertrude was once again trying to figure out the puzzle that was Luna Lovegood. Gertrude needed answers. 

     Gertrude headed to the people she felt would have the answers, the golden trio themselves. As she took a seat at the Gryffindor table, the other Gryffindors gave her weird looks.

     "Gertrude what's wrong you look like you've been crying" Hermione said with concern. 

     "That's not important right now, I need you guys to tell me what you know about Luna Lovegood" Gertrude said urgently.

     "We just met that loony bin an hour ago! Here I was thinking Hermione was mental, Luna takes mental to another level" Ron exclaimed. Hermione hit Ron with a rolled up copy of The Daily Prophet, causing him to stop speaking.

     "That's what I thought at first, but what if she's a lot less mental then we thought" Gertrude whispered to the trio. She explained everything that happened on the train to them, making sure to recount every detail.

     "Well I'm not quite bought on the theory of her talking in some sort of code, but maybe you're on to something" Hermione said hesitantly. "Let's try to break it down, one time I was really stressed out about a test, and Luna was insistent that my studying was bringing me too many nargles, and I needed a break. Perhaps Nargles are code for stress?".

     "That would explain about how Malfoy was the whole time, it seemed like something was bothering him," Gertrude said curiously.

     "I'm assuming that the Crumple-Horned Snorkak and the Sniffle Snake is a code for you and Draco" Harry said obliviously.

     "You're telling me she compared me to a wrinkly magic-world Rhino?" Getrude said furiously.

     Harry immediately flushed, "No, no, I don't think she meant that but I think she was just comparing your relationship" Harry said nervously, while mentally slapping himself for not wording that better. 

     Gertrude started laughing and soon the other three joined, "There's only one thing I don't understand, how did she know what Draco was dreading and that it was coming? Also how'd she know about the Pumpkin Juice" Gertrude said with a frown. 

     "I don't know, maybe she's a bloody seer" Ron stated sarcastically, before biting into a chicken wing. Gertrude's face immediately lit up at the suggestion. 

     "No, no you can't possibly believe in that wishy-washy magic" Hermione said, directing it at Gertrude.

     "Your bestfriend is like wizard Jesus, one of your teachers is a cat, and kids fly on brooms and chase after a tiny flying golden ball, but you can't seem to wrap your head around someone seeing the future?" Gertrude argued.

     "I mean I wouldn't say I'm 'Wizard Jesus'" Harry said trying to break the tension, however both girls turned and gave him a look that screamed shut up Harry.

     "Okay sure, but of all people to be a seer, Loony Lovegood???" Hermione said flaberghasted.

     "Yes," Gertrude said proudly, "So if you'll excuse me I'm going to find out more information. Gertrude scanned the Great Hall and noticed Luna hanging a poster on the bulletin that read:

Join the "Study of Disputed Magik's Club" 

     "Hey Luna," Gertrude said happily, "I'd like to join your club".

     "I figured you would" Luna said mysteriously, "You didn't turn orange so you seemed to head my pumpkin juice warning".

     "I knew their was more to you than I thought," Gertrude said excitedly, "You're not so Loony after all Lovegood".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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