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     The student's gathered around the train. Gertrude was politely listening to some 1st year Hufflepuff, "What you did at the tournament was so amazing! What's it like dating Draco! Why is Harry 'the chosen one' you obviously fight better! Are your animals really bottomless? Did you kill Joanna???" the girl said flooding with questions.

     God this girl screamed fan energy, she sounded as if she was taking this all down to write in a book or something, "Woah woah woah, that's way too many questions I don't even know who you are!" Gertrude chuckled.

     "Oh sorry! I'm Summ-" She began. 

     "Oy G are you coming?" yelled the familiar voice of Draco.

     "I'm sorry I have to go!" Gertrude said apologetically. Thank god Draco saved her she's insufferable.


     You chatted with your friends promising to write to them while savoring as much time as possible with Draco before they had to leave. The Train halted and Draco immediatley stiffened. You put your hand on his shoulder as if to say 'it will be okay'. They shared a final hug on the train before parting ways. As they got off the train they could no longer act a couple, they both knew his parent's would never allow their relationship. Gertude watched in her peripherals as Draco stiffly hugged his father, she knew that inside Draco was terrified of him. Her heart broke for him as she left the station for the summer.

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