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This story takes place on horde primes ship, right after the battle on etheria when shera crushed horde primes soul.

A group of 4 horde clones enter the throne room with horde primes vacant  chair. One of the clones walks up to it and gestures until a small keypad appears. The clone types in a set of number, which opens a small communications channel. A loud booming voice echos from it.

" what the- where am I, what is this place?!" the voice is in distress

" lord prime, it really is you!" The clones all in shock

" what happened to me!!!"

" your soul was destroyed by shera"

"[Snarl] and where is she now" prime seems to be annoyed with the constant questioning of the clones. He has never had to deal with inefficient clones before.

" shera is on etheria helping with bright moons recovery"

" then send model H-82374 to etheria" the clones confused, look to each other for a response

" forgive us lord prime, but it seems that our connection to your souls memory bank has been destroyed due to sheras interference. You will have to be more specific then that"


The guards stumble out the door as prime sets up another communication channel


" Yes lord prime"


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