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Catra is in awe at sheras gorgeous new form. Her armor is covered in gold as she pulls out a new golden sword and shield. Catra can't help but embrace the shera, with tears forming in her eyes. She pulls away suddenly remembering how she hurt adora back on maras ship.


Adora looks at her with soft eyes before gently embracing her once more.

"It's okay I forgive you"

Catra looks up into sheras warm eyes.

"But this doesn't mean we're peachy"

"Good enough, now let's finish this"

they aim their weapons at the horde clone. catras clawed hands and adoras sword. Hordon knows this will end quick as he preps himself for the massive attack that hits him like a ton of brick. he ricochets off the ground while rain aggressively dropped from the sky as Hordon tumbles down into a deep crater.

" Don't let him out of your sight"

they follow pursuit to find a pool of charcoal colored rain with no sign of hordon.

"Where is he?!" Catra gets dragged into the water and held down but shera pulls them both out. The thick swampy water slows them down as hordon fights off the two warriors. They all get dragged out and back on the surface where hordon is surrounded. He uses a large cannon not until he's grabbed by hordak as the attack ceases.


"Horde prime is weak, I built an empire. He doesn't know TRUE POWER" the two battle back and forth leaving hordak in a bad position with hordons wrist blade in his side.

"You have chosen death over purification brother."

"GLORY BE TO HORDE PRIME" hordak jabs his thumbs into hordons eyes while delivering stern dialog.

The attack leaves hordon permanently blind and with little options left. He spawns a force field around himself as last stitch effort but is completely destroyed. With only one option, he fiddles with his wrist until his body shuts down and collapses.


"What did he just say?!" Glimmer begins to panic. Entrapta starts fidgeting with the corpse of hordon.

"This is not good, hordon'll detonate in 5 minutes and the blast radius is so big, it'll take out all of etheria!!"

"I can take care of it" shera steps forward a grabs the corpse.

"But that could kill you" catra pleads.

"Its okay catra, I'll be fine. I just need to make sure that this never happens again"

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see"

She calls for swift wind and in a flash of light, they zoom off into space.

"Where's your master" she stumbles upon the old rotting horde ship.

"Tell horde prime I said goodbye" she tosses the corpse at the ship and heads back to etheria

"My lord, my lord, something is heading towards the ship!" The clones panic as horde prime observes on.

"It looks like a clone"

"Which one"

"M-model H-82374"

A smirk forms on horde primes face

"Etherians are very clever crea-"

The detonation begins. Any remnants of horde prime have been completely wiped out. The ship turns to ash, then to particles, then to nothing.

The Massive impact can be seen all throughout the universe.


Hordak falls to his knees exhausted.

"Oh my gawsh, hordak are you alright?!"

"I am okay but please listen to me entrapta. I am sorry for my sudden absence. I should have told you where I was going and what I was doing but I just couldn't. The truth is I have left because I needed time alone to recuperate from the loss of my brother, rehabilitate myself, but most importantly, find out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Now I know. I want to stay with someone that will be my side always. I want someone that I can love and truth, but most of all, I want someone that will love me regardless of my past actions. I want that person to be you. Entrapta, I love you."

Entrapta is speechless for a few moments before responding.

"Hordak, are you serious?"

"Yes. Though I cannot expect you to agree to this proposition, I can no longer hide my feelings for you, I love you."

"Oh hordak, I love you too, of course I'll except!"

The two share a tender kiss.

Adora rests on the same grass field she has always used while catra gains the courage to take a seat next to her.



"C-can I see your hand"

Adora hesitates before lending her hand to catra. She traces her pointer finger over the two deep cuts she had given back on maras ship. She slowly lets go and turns away.


Adora nudges forward and leans her head against catra's shoulder.

" It's okay. Plus, you were right about me dying."

"Don't you ever do that again"

"Yeah, I don't really like dying, it feels weird. But on the other hand, saved you from dying so many times in that fight"

Catra can't help but chuckle at the irony

"Yeah you're right, I had absolutely no control over that situation at all!"

The two share a laugh before engaging in a comfortable silence. Moment's later, the two exasperated sigh before heavily breathing.

" holy crap, that was the most exhausting two days of my entire life!"

"Agreed, let's never do that EVER AGAIN"

The two share a laugh before staring at each other as catra leans forward.

"Can I kiss you?"


They kiss for what seems like an eternity before catra hops to her feet.

"Okay! I am going to go back to the cabin and take the biggest nap of my entire life."

The dedication in catras voice make adora giggle and reluctantly join her. The two hold hands as they make their way back to the cabin to get some much deserved rest.

The end.

Operation Kill SheraWhere stories live. Discover now