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With horde prime officially dead, life on etheria goes back to normal. The Actions of catra during the battle was enough to win over the vote for her freedom. With all charges dropped, and power restored to bright moon, adora and catra plan to spend their lives together. Hordak and entrapta decide to travel the universe together as lab partners/couple. Adora and catra design a space crew to bring peace and magic to the universe in maras ship.

Thanks for reading operation kill shera. This story is one I put alot of thought into. After season 5, I felt like there were alot of plot holes left unsolved. Catras VERY sudden change of heart, what happened to bright moon during all of this? How can they bring peace to the universe if glimmer is the queen. So I thought of ways to finish off the story and came across an idea of a shera movie. It wouldn't be called shera the movie, so I decided to call it operation kill shera the movie. Hordon is like the terminator and hordak rolled into one. The whole story has terminator vibes with the characters being chased by the terminator throughout the movie.

I was a huge fan of star Wars but when I saw all the tokens and Mary Sue' in the new films, I was hesitant to watch anything that looked suspiciously woke. but to my surprise,  shera for once, had GOOD representation. Let me explain.

Good representation: diverse characters with flaws, goals, weaknesses, strengths, and showing us a brand new culture and letting us be intrigued by the character.

Bad representation: a character devoid of any unique traits and characteristics. Where the only unique trait is the characters skin color, security, or gender. An example would be rose in the rise of skywalker.

Be sure to check out my new story, Godzilla curse of the ceasar. It's a yuri story with a sprinkling of godzilla. This time I became a genius and wrote multiple parts in advance ready to upload frequently. If you liked this story be sure to check out godzilla curse of ceasar and give me feedback.

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