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"hermione granger," i whispered

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"hermione granger," i whispered. she looked up. "did your parents never tell you about picking up strangers?"

"it's not picking up strangers. i bumped into her and i offered to take her to the book shop, ron."

the girl in question, avery kent, was holding four books. each heavier than the last. how she held four of the most heavy book surprised me? she had long, pale blond hair, almost white looking. avery also had these blue eyes, that were sucking me in. it was weird.

how could someone i just met be so..what was the term? entracing.

"she has to be part veela." hermione whispered, grabbing one of the books we needed for our third year. i stopped staring at avery to look at her. 


"a veela is a magical creature that radiates love potion. they can cause you to feel attracted to them, it normally affects the opposite gender," hermione said firmly. she passed her fingers over the defense against the dark arts books. 

i blinked. "you have an answer for everything don't you, hermione?" she nodded.

i looked over to where harry was standing, except he wasn't there. he was deep in a converstation with the veela, or part veela. according to hermione, avery kent didn't do the stuff a veela would normally do. 

a veela would normally flirt, and bat their eyes. normal girl stuff to me, but okaaayyyy.

avery did none of that, which confused me. suddenly, i had to urge to go over to the pair. i was wondering what they were talking about.

"-so you battled voldemort or a version of him?" avery inquired. i watched as she blinked and put a hand to her head. "and you lived through the killing curse. a curse no one's ever survived."

harry nodded. "you think i'm lying, don't you?"

i inched closer, the two not noticing me yet.

"not at all, in fact, i believe you. i've read enough fantasy ya novels to know what happens next. so what year are you in hogwarts?"

"ron, hermione, and i are third years. you?"

avery hesitated. then she blurted, "third year. same as you. i'm a transfer student."

harry nodded. "you do sound american."

"i am, i'm from new york. new york city to be exact," avery said, rubbing a gold ring on her finger. 

"interesting. did you attend the american magical school, ilvermorny?" asked hermione, walking up to them. hermione looked suspicious, why? i couldn't tell you.

avery blinked. her mouth seemingly made no noise. until, she finally muttered, "yes."

"what house?" hermione asked.

"wampus," avery replied, quickly. 

hermione nodded, "those are pretty rare. the rarest of all the sixteen combos. it says that wampus craved warriors. would you consider yourself to be a warrior?"

avery shrugged, her blue eyes focasing on hermione's face. "i would like to consider myself to be a warrior. but wouldn't everyone?" she then grabbed a book. hogwarts: a history. hermione's favorite book. "what is your hogwarts house, you three?"


hermione pointed to avery's pocket in the front of her overalls. small box with a screen stuck in her pocket. "what is that?"

avery shoved the box back into her pocket, looking panicked. she then looked at her feet. her trainers where white, covered with dirt. blue overalls, covered with patches of images or refrenceses i couldn't put my finger on. and a gray shirt underneath. why could hermione be suspicious of avery? we'd only just met her.

and if anything, she was the one to bring her here!

hermione granger, my friend, needed to think about what she was doing. lips pursed, hermione's eyes scanned avery as if looking for a reason to suspect her of doing something wrong.

"where did you get your wand, avery?"

avery backed up, as if about to run. 

"why are you questioning me? you brought me here, hermione?" avery grumbled. her beautiful blue eyes scanned harry and i. "are you two going to intergate me aswell?"

harry shook his head. "no! we're not! hermione, cut it out!"

hermione sighed. i knew she was frustrated. it was just a fact. this weird girl shows up with veela powers and suddenly harry and i take an interest in her.

"i'm sorry avery. it's just that you seemingly look like a magical creature from bulgaria. a veela."

avery blinked, her hand seemingly moving down to the gold band around her finger. i suddenly noticed she had another on the opposite hand. both rings seemingly remind me of my parents wedding rings.

but if they were like wedding rings, why was she wearing both? what happened to the other person?

avery got up. she suddenly whispered, "i'll leave you three to get your school books."

her blond hair swinging from side to side. hands behind her back, a confused expression on her face. what was going through her head? other than the fact that hermione was being a prat.

"she's odd," harry whispered, as we walked into the ice cream parlor. "she had no idea about voldemort or even hogwarts other than the houses. doesn't everyone know about hogwarts?"

"i guess not that witch."

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