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i sat down on the hogwarts express, with hermione and ron. both were excited, though hermione kept pestering me on my scar. it had been hurting my throughout the summer holidays. 

"you should tell dumbledore!" she said, as we sat down. a familiar face suddenly walked by. the girl from florish and botts. she looked confused. really confused. as if she couldn't understand why she was there.

"um, hi. is there room for one more?" avery kent asked. she was wearing muggle clothes. a tucked in shirt that read, 'sunflower,' a pair of cuffed, blue jeans, and white trainers. the rings that ron had told me about graced her fingers. standing out on her beautiful hands. 

"yeah, its really just me, ron, hermione, and professer lupin over here." i said, moving over so that she could have room. avery sat down beside me, keeping her limbs to herself. she seemed taller then when we met her. our maybe it was the way i saw her.

"how are you all chosen in hogwarts? for your houses, i mean," avery asked looking out the compartment door. her blue eyes scanning everyone who walked by. her tan arms seemed to have some sort of muscle to them. i wonder- why am i thinking this? i don't really know anything about her. that must be the veela magic hermione told us about.

"the sorting hat." 

avery blinked, her lips curling into a small smile. her smile was almost entracing. ugh, these thoughts were all so very intruding.

"huh, that quiz i took a year ago did not specify anything. dang it, pottermore."

i raised an eyebrow. pottermore? what was that? a book?

"what's pottermore?" hermione questioned. her eyes narrowing, slightly. all summer he spoke about how avery kent might be someone who couldn't trust. how she might someone who knew voldemort? how she might've been spying for malfoy? she was starting to sound like me.

"a website. for fans of jk rowlings books?"

hermione stared at her. "what is a website?" 

avery gasped. her eyes widened. her hands starting fidgting, she looked startled by hermione's question.  but all jokes a side, what is a website? it sounded like a muggle term. maybe dudley knew what that was. then again, when did dudley know much of anything?

"like the internet? esablished in 1991?" avery said, she demonstrated what looked to typing. 

i suddenly remembered. "like a computer? but i've used dudley's computer, there was no website called 'pottermore.'"

avery sighed. "right. darien was big on this franchise. kinda regret not reading the books." 

hermione looked baffled. books? hermione has most likely read every single book known to wizard and muggle kind.  who was jk rowling?

"who is jk rowling," hermione asked. i've never heard her ask so many questions in my life.

"an author. i'm not sure she exists here since she created th-" her voice cut off as she shivered. it was getting colder. why was it getting colder. the hairs on my neck started to rise. it was september. why was it getting colder? that doesn't happen until october.  avery's hands were shaking, her right leg bouncing up and down. as if reacting to her inner anxiety.

ron's eyes glanced outside, where i saw tons of black figures flying around. then slowly the door to our compartment slid open, long boney fingers slid in. 

i felt cold and empty. hopeless, i could feel myself drifting away. slowly falling, i could hear screaming. who was screaming? it didn't sound like hermione. maybe is was avery? 

"take me! please take me!" a voice cried. the voice sounded as if they were pleading for someone's life.


my eyes snapped open. i was lying down, hermione standing above me.

"are you alright, potter?" asked the man, professer lupin. he had a piece of chocolate extended toward avery, who was staring off to god knows where.

"you passed out! professer lupin had to fight it off!" ron exclaimed. i blinked. i added: "none of you passed out?"

"no," avery muttered. "but i almost did." she bit the piece of choclate and stared at me. "what did you hear?"

i returned her gaze. "screaming? i thought it was you. wait- did you hear screaming?"

"yes, but it wasn't the same scream as you, harry potter," her expression was understanding. she seemingly knew how i felt. which was odd. no one did. not anyone i've met.

hermione shot avery a caring smile, which she returned.

"chocolate is good for thevictim of a dementor attack. they shouldn't be here though."

"what's a dementor?" i asked, taking a bite of the chocolate. the dursleys never let me have chocolate. they only let my pig of a cousin eat some. dudley was so over weight, i'm surprised he's still alive.

hermione jumped up at the chance to tell me something i didn't know. buy it was actually avery who spoke up.

"they guard the wizard prison. they can suck the life outta you. the dementors can sense when someone is upset or dying. and they feed off of that."

she fiddled with the ring on her finger. 

"i couldn't have said it better myself," hermione said. 

avery cracked a smile, a laugh slipping out of her lips. 

"really? i only know about them because of a top ten video i saw a year ago! huh, i got lucky then."

"a top ten video?" ron asked.

"like a list. going from ten to one. one being the scariest. and ten being the least scary," avery said. "like most amazing top ten or-or any list youtube channel?"

"what's youtube?"

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