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i put my head on the pillow of my make shift bed

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i put my head on the pillow of my make shift bed. due to ron's recent sighting of sirius black in the castle, we have to sleep in the great hall. i honestly don't mind it. i've lived with the dursley's my entire life, sleeping on the floor is the least of my concerns. 

my eyes wandered over to avery kent, who was already asleep on her side. she had fallen asleep as dumbledore explained the situation. avery's been very sleepy and sore lately. something's not right. hermione's been worried sick everytime avery said she was sore.

"good night harry," hermione muttered to me as she walked over to avery, who turned on her side, a stupid grin on her face. "oh, avery! i thought you were asleep?"

avery's eyes wandered to the ceiling of the great hall. "no, not really. i did fall asleep but my internal rader told me to wake up. how are you all?"

snape marched over, a glare on his face. his greasy hair swinging in the heat of the situation. "miss kent, you are to be sleeping. five points from gryffinfor. now to bed with you three."

avery stuck her tongue out and i got a whiff of minty air up my nose. 

"i listen to no man." 

snape was about to open her mouth when dumbledore walked over. "i recommend you all head to bed. it will be a tough day tomorrow and you all need your brains at peak preformance." 

avery's face contorted into a smirk. her blue eyes met dumbledore's and she whispered:"have you maybe considered that maybe sirius isn't the bad guy..? maybe he was framed since all you found was a pinky toe?"

"now, miss kent. you should be heading to bed. you can talk about this theory tomorrow morning alright?" 

avery huffed. "sure professor." her face said she agreed though her eyes said a different story. they were full of mischivous tendencies and i knew i would not sleep soundly tonight. avery looked up, making sure the our professors moved away before moving her sleeping back closer to mine and ron's. hermione did the same. avery's sunflower scent over took my nose. 

"harry, what do you think sirius wants?" hermione asked, leaning on her hands. she was slowly falling asleep. and then, her head it the pillow and she fell asleep.

avery sighed, as if frusturated by the question. "i don't think he's trying to kill harry, hermione. crime has a reason to be commited. "

"he was a supporter of you-know-who, so maybe he wants to finish off his master's enemy??" ron whispered, his voice muffled through his pillow.

avery shook her head. "you assume he's a relentless murderer. i'll believe we've got the story wrong." she took out her phone, the light from it allowing her eyes to shine like stars. "harry, want to relax with some music..?"

i nodded. "sure, i guess." i grabbed the airpod from her hand. i put it in my ear, and music flew into my ears.






i laid on my back, looking up at the ever changing ceiling of the great hall. the woman's soft voice was entracing. my eyes drifted to avery who was staring at hermione. a pink tinge drifting up avery's neck.

"what's wrong?" i asked.

"her hand is on mine. hermione's hand is on mine."

i smiled. "are you nervous? or uncomfortable?"


i used to think about a life

one that i would live with you

i used to think about the moments

and all the things that we would do

but now i've grown a little more

and I can tell what's real and fake

oh, you've changed quite a lot

i can see why we needed to break

avery's eyes wandered over to hermione's face, a hand pushing hermione's bangs out of her face. i couldn't help but smile. a couple of weeks ago, these two couldn't stand each other. there were dirty glares and other nasty comments said, but now? they were like sisters. 

'cause i...

i don't love you anymore

i'm sorry

i'm not that sorry

'cause you...

you kinda treated me like shit

i hope you're sorry

you better be sorry

"avery? who's the singer of this song?"

avery looked up, " mxmtoon! she's the love of my life! i've been to two concerts of hers!"

i nodded, my eyes dropping as we spoke. the song lulling me to sleep. 




you better be sorry 

(you best be sorry)

my eyes slowly closed and my pillow held my head. 

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ā° Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ā°

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