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"Alice," a woman's voice calls from behind her. She whirls her head around, finding one of her co-workers following her. "Alice, wait up!"

"Oh, Amy. Hi, how are you?"

"Ready to get out of here, but I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks." She walks into her office, Amy still following close behind, standing awkwardly by the doorway as Alice sit down at her desk. She raises an eyebrow at the woman. "Amy?"


"Is there something you needed?"

"Actually, sort of, yeah." She shuts the door and hurries over to the chair in front of Alice's desk. "I wanted to talk to you about, FP."

"FP?" Alice raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, sorry, I mean, Forsythe." She corrects herself with a girlish giggle. "He goes by FP."

Alice nods, bored of the conversation already. "What do you want to talk about him for?"

"Well I was just wondering if he's single or not?"

"And how am I supposed to know that?"

"Well you work with him, don't you? He's the male you, I-"

Alice raises her hand. "Let me stop you right there, there's only one of me. And no, I don't know, nor do I care if Forsythe is single or not."

The woman looks disappointed but forces out a smile. "Oh darn, I thought you would."

"Sorry to disappoint, maybe try asking him." She stands up to grab a file, but Amy doesn't budge, just makes herself more comfortable.

"Oh I can't do that." She says. "He's just so dreamy, I clam up whenever I'm around him."


"Oh please, Alice, don't act like you haven't noticed."

"I haven't." She answers with a flash of her wedding ring.

"Fine, so you're married? You're not dead. And FP is grade A, hunk."

"If you like him so much than stop wasting my time and go waste his." Alice tells her, growing frustrated with the woman.

"Any chance you'd put in a good word for me to him?" She gives her a hopeful look and Alice sighs, maybe if she complies, Amy will leave her alone.


"Oh you're the best!" The perky blonde hops up from her seat and practically skips to the door. Alice follows her, ready to close and lock the door. "Can I just say I completely envy you? I mean getting to work with him in such close quarters, it sounds amazing."

"Mhm, yeah, it's great." Alice gives her a little nudge out of the doorway. "Bye, Amy." She shuts the door in the woman's face, closing the blinds for privacy.

She lets out an annoyed huff, she really doesn't have the patience for anyone today. She's much too behind in work.

There's a soft knock on her door and Alice groans. "I don't have time to talk, Amy."

"Well I guess it's a good thing I'm not Amy, then." A low voice speaks from behind her.

She whirls around, locking eyes on FP. "Oh it's you, sorry, Amy was just in here chatting my ear off. I thought she was back."

"No, I bumped into her on my way in here, she practically ran away from me." He seems confused by the interaction and Alice chuckles.

"That's because she's got a schoolgirl crush."

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