Stealing Kisses

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"You think Hal would notice if you just didn't come home tonight?" FP asks as he holds Alice a little closer.

She smiles. "I think he might be a little worried."

FP shrugs, tickling her back as he draws his fingers along her skin. "I think we should test that theory. You know? Just to be sure he really cares about you."

"Oh is that the only reason?" He nods. "It's not because you don't want me to leave your bed?"

"Please, I can't wait to get you out of here." FP tells her unconvincingly. "I'm just thinking about you."

"Mmm I'm so sure, is that why you've got your arms wrapped around me like a death grip?"

He blushes, his hold on her loosening a little bit. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"That's what I thought." She presses a soft kiss to his lips before wriggling out of his arms, and he watches with a defeated sigh as she redresses, not wanting her to have to leave.

She stands up, wearing only the racy two piece she had on under her coat, and walks confidently towards his bedroom door. "You really have to tease me like that?" She winks teasingly at him before she disappears out of sight, and he groans, willing away his body's natural reaction to her sinfully sexy appearance.

He slips on a pair of sweats and follows her out into the living room where he finds her stepping into her dress. "Was kinda hoping you were gonna go home in your lingerie."

"Hal might have a aneurysm if I do that." Alice tells him with a chuckle. "Can you zip me up?"

He steps over to her, letting one of his long fingers trace down her spine towards the zipper of her dress. He pulls it up slowly, watching as the fabric clings to her curves, she's so ridiculously beautiful to him, so effortlessly sexy. "You're such a tease." He whispers, pushing her hair to the side to press a kiss to the nape of her neck.

"Gotta keep you on your toes." She explains with a shrug. She reaches into her purse for her phone as FP's hands memorize the feel of her body. She tenses up in his arms as soon as she turns it on. "Shit!"

"What?" FP asks, his voice dripping with concern.

"I have three missed calls from Hal... shit, shit, shit!" She runs her fingers nervously through her hair, her heart feeling like it's dropped into her stomach.

"Hey hey, it's okay. Don't freak out just yet, he's probably just calling to see when you'll be home."

"He called three times though, there must be something else."

"Just tell him you went out for something to eat with someone from the office and you didn't have your phone on." He comes up with.

She nods and starts dialling Hal back as FP slowly strokes her side to try and calm her as best he can. She brings the phone to her ear with a shaky hand. "Hi honey." She chirps cheerily into the phone.

"Where the hell have you been?" Hal asks immediately. "I've called you three times, I've called the office, no one has heard from you!"

"I'm okay," she assures him. "Beth caught me just as I was about to leave and asked if I wanted to grab something to eat. I'm sorry I should've called and told you."

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