Private Eyes

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"When will she be leaving?" The Private Investigator asks.

"Probably in about twenty minutes." Hal answers in a hushed voice.

"I'll leave in twenty then, give her plenty of time to leave."

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."

Hal hangs up the phone with a sigh, is he overreacting? Surely Alice would never cheat on him, they have the perfect relationship, he gives her everything she could have ever dreamed of having, what more could she ask for? He supposes he'll get his answer eventually, he just has to hope it's the one he wants.

Hal carries himself up the stairs and down the hall to he and Alice's bedroom, leaning against the door post and watching as Alice gets dressed. She notices him watching out of the corner of her eye and smiles at him. "Enjoying the show?" She questions, buttoning up her blouse.

He smirks walking over to her. "Of course, you're beautiful." He reaches for the buttons of her blouse, buttoning the last few she had left open at the top. "Which is why, I'd prefer you not show off to everyone at the office."

She arches an eyebrow. "I'm not showing off?"

"Well your breasts are on full display, which is fine when you're with me, but at the office? Around all those other men? I don't like it."

"Oh grow up, Hal." Alice hisses, yanking his hands away from her top.

"I'm being serious, Alice. I don't want you pimping yourself out to your colleagues and clients, especially not while FP Jones is working there."

Her mouth falls open at his words. "Pimping myself out? Because I left a couple buttons undone?" She rolls her eyes. "And you're still on about this whole FP thing?"

"Can you blame me? I see the way he looks at you."

"Are you feeling alright? Because I'm starting to think you have a fever and that's why all of this bullshit is spewing out of your mouth." She slips on a blazer over her blouse and waltzes past him and down the stairs. "I'll be home later, hopefully you'll have grown up by then." And with that she walks out the door, slamming it shut behind her.


"So you think your wife is having an affair with this... FP character?" Private Mills questions.

"I don't know, maybe?"

The man scowls. "When you hired me you told me she was having an affair."

"Well I'm just about positive he has feelings for her, I just don't know if either of them has ever acted on it. That's why I called you."

He sighs. "After you gave me some information on the phone the other night, I did some digging on him to see if there was anything incriminating."


"A couple speeding tickets, nothing more. And both were from when he was a teenager."

"There has to be something more, dig harder."

"There won't-"

"Just look please. I need something, anything that I can use to my advantage."

"Fine." He sighs. "You said he works with your wife?"


"I'll see what he's up to before he gets to work, see if there's anything there. We'll start there and see what happens." Hal nods. "And until we know more, don't do anything to make it obvious you're suspicious. Don't ask her a bunch of questions about him, actually don't mention him at all, and try not to fight with her. You want to stay on good of terms as possible with her without trying too hard."

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