With You

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It had been almost a week since Hal found FP's t-shirt, and it hadn't been brought up since, much to Alice's delight. He didn't seem to suspect a thing, which she was grateful for, it was something FP was grateful for too.

He was more worried than she was at times, not wanting to be the reason her marriage fell apart or the reason she and her husband fought. But she was always quick to calm his anxieties, telling him Hal doesn't suspect a thing and that they were in the clear.

Still, it's hard to juggle an affair with a co-worker, especially when said co-worker where's pants that are tailored so perfectly to his body, it should be a damn crime. Sure they get the occasional quick make out session in, maybe get a little handsy, but it's been so long since they were properly together, something that they were both eager to remedy.

Which is why, when FP came up with a plan for them to see each other, she agreed immediately. The thought of getting to be touched by him making her whole body heat up. He had written down his address for her before heading out, leaving her to go through with the actual plan.

"Riverdale Register." Hal answers with a chirp.

"Hi honey, it's me." Alice tells him sweetly.

"Hey sweetheart, I was just about head home. How's work?"

"Actually it's the reason I'm calling. I'm completely swamped with paperwork and I'm behind, so I'm gonna have to stay later than planned."

"Aw really? How much later?"

"Not sure. I don't think I'll be home for dinner though so you don't need to wait for me. If you want to just grab takeout or something that's okay."

"So does this mean I can get the Chinese food you don't like?"

She smiles. "Only if you eat it outside so it doesn't stink up the house."

"What if I light a candle?"

She thinks about it for a moment. "Fine. Light a couple though because I swear that food lingers in the air for days."

"Will do. Get home soon, honey."

"I'll do my best. See you later." As soon as she hangs up the phone from Hal she's dialing another number, slipping on her coat.

"Well hello there." FP's sexy voice answers.

"Now how did you know it was me?" Alice teases.

"Lucky, lucky guess, I suppose. You on your way?"

"Mhm, I just got off the phone with Hal, we should have plenty of time."

"Good, it's been far too long since I last had you all to myself."

"Well I guess it's a good thing I'm all yours tonight then."

She can practically hear the smirk in his voice. "Then get that sexy ass of yours over here."

"On my way."

She hangs up the phone and pauses as she buttons up her coat, FP's words from days ago popping into her mind. She shrugs the coat off of her shoulders and reaches behind her for the zipper on her dress.

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