Festivities - Part 36

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It was 6:30am, and Eleanore was scurrying frantically around the Slytherin common room, wrapping presents and placing them under the tree. Christmas at the Yaxley residence had always been so pristine and perfect in regards to presentation. Jennifer had taught the young witch all about wrapping presents, without using magic. Once she had placed her last one under the proud branches of Draco's disasterpiece, she stepped back, to inspect her work.
"I hope you're proud, mum." She whispered to herself, causing her heart to twitch in her chest.  It was then, that she noticed an owl, perched on the window with a roll of parchment stuck in its claw. It was a familiar owl, brown and scruffy. It was her father's. Eleanore apprehensively reached between its yellow, scaly talons and plucked out the parchment, sending it on its way.

Merry Christmas, my dearest Eleanore.

I hope you haven't opened your present too soon. I do sincerely apologise for my lousy excuse of wrapping, your mum was very skilled in that arena.

I'll be thinking of you this christmas, and all the other days I won't be able to see you.

I hope you are doing well.

Lots of love,
Dad xxx

P.S. Tell Draco I said Merry Christmas.

Eleanore didn't recognise her pain, so she jumped slightly when a heavy tear landed on the parchment, smudging the ink and running it down the page. She quickly curled it up to avoid destroying the letters, for this is when she realised just how much she missed her family. This was the first Christmas without both of her parents, and now she was understanding exactly how hard that was going to be.

A loud sob escaped her lips, and she wiped frantically at her face with the sleeve of her jumper, determined to wipe away the evidence before Draco came downstairs. It was too late, however, for he had already thrown his presents onto the sofa and was hurrying towards her with open arms. Eleanore fell into him, her limbs weak with emotion.
"It's okay, El" he spoke, noticing the rolled up parchment in her hand. He figured it was from Corban.
The couple remained in a tight embrace for a few moments, before Eleanore wiped away her tears one last time and looked towards the mess of presents on the sofa.
"I hope none of them are fragile" she chuckled.
Draco pulled her closer, before releasing her from his grip, letting her wander slowly over to the tree.
"I think I win with presentation."
Draco smirked, studying the neatly wrapped gifts perched delicately under his mess of a tree.
"Nah. I win, always" he responded, coolly, causing Eleanore to smile.
"Shall we open them, then?" Suggested Eleanore, desperately attempting to take her mind off her family. Draco wandered over to the tree and sat in front of her. At this point, other Slytherins were passing through the common room, but Eleanore was keen to ignore them as she stared into Draco's warm eyes and handed him his first gift.

It was a huge box, wrapped in green paper and topped with a black bow. The gift tag was in the shape of a snake, and it read,

Merry Christmas, Malfoy
Love, Yaxley

He smirked as he read it, and immediately began fumbling with the paper. Inside the box, was every single item of candy available at Honeydukes. Eleanore had seen him devour at least 90% of the selection, so she struggled to pick out just one for him. The smile which formed on his face was enough to send warm waves of joy through her entire being. Draco leaned over the box, placing a hand gently on her knee, and kissing her softly on her lips.

"Your turn, Yaxley." He handed her a small, unwrapped, velvety box. Of course he couldn't be fussed with wrapping. She opened the box carefully, revealing to her a pair of glistening blue Opal stud earrings in the shape of dolphins.
"My patronus," she muttered, feeling a huge grin tug on her lips.
"You helped me conjure mine, El, and I hope to do the same for you, always."
Eleanore felt her heart warm significantly in her chest, but she swatted it away quickly, forcing a frown to cast on her lips.
"Damn, I should've gotten you something with a dragon on."
Draco laughed, "Don't be stupid, Yaxley. Just you making my patronus work is enough."

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