part 1

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Hello guys,first of all this is my first time writing something and forgive me for the errors i made ,i loved riansh and i wanted to write something about here is the story starting from the chandelier scene.

Riddhima's pov: i don't know what's happening here ,who wants to kill me and why ??..he can't be vansh after all he is the one who is saving me every single time.i even talked rudely with him after saving me from the chandelier .God ,i will go mad i don't know why i am thinking about him when he is a murderer.and vansh what's wrong with his behaviour,his care scares me more than the threating.
Anyway i will search for the truth no matter what happens.
Vansh's pov : i was wrong about riddhima she isn't as bad as i imagined her to be ,someone is using her goodness for a certain reason .but who dared to attack her ,no matter what  she is my wife and i can't let something happen to her. i will  have to reach the mastermind of this game to end it properly.
Vansh saw riddhima coming to their room and ignored her because of her rude behaviour toward him but riddhima did not like the fact that vansh whom she is used to his care for the last days is the same one who is ignoring her.
Riddhima:vansh ,is there any problem?
He looked up at her for a second and he completed his work without answering her.
Riddhima(irritated): what the hell is wrong with you,why are you ignoring me like this???
Vansh( calmly):you have a problem with this too mrs vr, i think you are forgetting this days so much .you were the one who doesn't like my care toward you in the first place.what happened now ?
Riddhima thought confused for a minute ,then she remembered how she treated him after saving her and she felt guilty for that.
R:i am sorry vansh for my behaviour.i am thankful to you because you saved my life ,i didn't mean to hurt you .i know you are doing this because you held yourself the reason why i got shot but this is not true.
V:no's ok ..i wasn't angry just upset and worried about your safety because it's my duty to protect you from every danger and i promise i will not let anything happen to you.
Riddhima gets teary listening to his words.
Riddhima's pov:this man how can he be a killer ? .there is something wrong about this.
Vansh felt worried seeing her tears and started cleaning her face while she closed her eyes feeling his touch on her face .the knocks on the door wake them up from their lalaland.
Vansh(nervous):come in
Dsr:Mr vansh sorry for disturbing you but i came to inform you that everything was perfectly ready and dadi had asked me to call you both.
Vansh:go and tell her we are coming.
They get down toguether .suddenly they heard a voice.
The voice:vansh you thought you will celebrate without me
Everyone except riddhima:bani??
Bani comes running toward vr and hugged him while riddhima's eyes windened from the shock.

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