part 16

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Thank you very much for the love you gave to my story..i love you so much ..forgive me for the errors.

They came down after the shower.
Dadi:where have you been all this time?
V:vo da..dadi riddhima took time to be ready that's why.
R(glared at him):nahi toh dadi he was the one who got us late..
R(ignored him):ishani today's your appointement day with the doc?
I:ha babhi ..i will go for check up
R:should i go with you? take your wife..i don't want her to steal my wife
They laugh at his desperation.
S:vaise didn't let me sleep peacefully guys yesterday! The sound was really careful !
R & V chocked and start coughing.
Dadi(confused):which sound??
They looked at her popping their eyes out and riddhu gestered sia to stay silent.
I:ha even i heard it.
Angre:me too .
Dadi:i am not getting anything ..will someone speak??
I: actually yesterday they were ....
They closed their eyes in embarassement.
S:celebrating..the music was really loud that's why i couldn't speak.
Finally they breath it out .
V & R:thank god
Dadi (laughed understanding):celebrate as you wish we don't mind ..just give me some good news soon.
R(shy):dadiiii !
Weeks passed..vansh had never missed a chance to romance with his beautiful wife..their love and trust grow with the time till they become unseperable.
Sia continued her sessions ,her body had no damage still she doesn't know why she can't walk yet?
And our Angre took care of Ishani perfectly..he doesn't let her do the slightest effort for their &medicines,he is responsible of all this..she was very happy with her life .
One day
She was with Sia and Angre at Vr mansion..she is three months pregnant now.
Voice:baby ??
I(no he can't be him..she turned her face to the voice ):youuuuu???
Any guess who was it??
Yeah yeah he is sunny 😁😁.
Angre:what are you doing here??how dare you??
I:you are dead ..i saw your corpse..yiu can't be sunny!
Sunny:baby i am sorry (hugging her )..i did wrong to you
Angre(clutching his fits ):leave her you bastard ..get away from my wife!
I(crying): Angre you knew ?? That day he died ..wasn't you who declared (realizing)..angre you lied to me ..all of you are liars !
Sunny(holding her):i came back for you my and our child (he fell on the floor feeling a slap on his face)
Ang(holding his collar):you dared to come and claim what's mine ..if you stay for one more minute i will kill you .
Sunny:Ishu baby (another slap on his face)
I:you didn't hear what my husband said..get out you cheater ..they lied to me but never left me alone..this baby is my angre's baby not yours..i want him to became like his father to have his upbringing ..Now get lost .
Angre:he won't listen like this..he throw him out of the house.
He came back to see Ishani crying bitterly.
Angre:ishani i am sorry..i did this for you..he exchanged you for money..i agree i lied to you but just for your sake..
I:i trust you ..i will go to rest ..she moved steps and shouted :AAAAAHHH
Hearing her voice he ran to her:ISHAANI ..What happened ?
He lift her to the car..he struggled to open the door for her when a hand opened the door ..
Sia:i don't know..when i saw mh sister shouting like this..i felt a sudden energy ran through my body..let's not waste time..i will hold her in the fast to the hospital !
Angre(sitting in the front):ha ishaani nothing will happen to you both!
They reached to the hospital ..where the doctor was checking her.
Mr and mrs vr came running:what happened ??
Sia(crying) :bhai ishaani was in pain
They got shocked seeing sia standing.
V:sia you are standing ..i was dying for this day (hugging her)..thank you .
S:babhi because of made me believe in myself..thank you
R(hugging her):this is the happiest day are welcome dear..Angre how's ishani??what happened suddenly?
He naratted everything while vansh hit the wall angrily:after taking the money..he came that bastard if my sister or her child got harmed i will not leave him !
R(touching his shoulder to calm him):vansh calm down ..ishaani will be fine ..just wait!
The doc came toward them:the stress is very harmful for her in this period ..make sure nothing like that happen in the future!
Angre:thank you doctor ..i promise i will keep them both safe.
They went to see ishani
Angre hugged her:i was worried ..
Ishani(holding him):we are fine..(putting his hand on her stomach) see baby tell your dad that you are fine.
Vansh and riddhima went out giving them some privacy.
Riddhima started feeling dizzy and she fell on the ground making them shout her name:RIDDHIMAAAA/BABHIIII

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