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,We entered and started scanning the inside of the house. It was ok but not like our old home. The movers started to move in with our stuff and of course mom would be in her favourite place the kitchen.

"Lizzy have you checked upstairs? I'm sure your gonna love the bedroom" she said in an exciting tone.

" soon mom" I said.

" Honey remember you starting your new school first thing in the the morning so you should head up start unpacking a few things"

'" yes mom, ugh! its not gonna be the same mom, Nathan hale high is it? great I don't even like the name already".

"Honey give it a try, besides this is our home now". she said with a big smile unpacking her special kitchen items.

'I'll be upstairs if you need me mom". I kissed her and took off upstairs.

Climbing the stairs and admiring everything as I go up, its really nice. The white door down the hall pass the bathroom that's me. I entered and the first thing I noticed was the huge window at the center of my room. Well, my view is a really huge house across the street with a perfect lawn. They must be some rich old cocky neighbors judging by the house and expensive cars in the drive way. Time to unpack I say and started to get busy. yes, I have book shelf so I packed my books, a few clothes and other stuff to make my room looking less empty, i'll finish as the days go by besides I have school in the morning. The evening falls , I showered and put some clothes on, I checked my hone nothing as usual.

"Lizzy! Dinner is ready" My mom shouted from downstairs.

I head downstairs and the place smells like rosemary and spices.

"Mom, this smells incredible"

"Thanks honey, your plate is on the table now eat and get to bed I will be up late unpacking you know . you young lady have school first thing tomorrow so eat and get to bed". she kissed my forehead and head out back.

I'll tour the entire house another day, I just wanna eat and go to bed. I took the last bite and head on upstairs. I brushed my teeth and off to bed I went.

Buzz!Buzz! my alarm goes, I took my phone up its 6:30am the bus leaves exactly 8:00am. I got up and head straight to the bathroom, I am happy mom did everything online for school before we got here or else today would have been a total disaster. I brushed my teeth, showered and did my hair. In a bun of course I say to myself. ok, what to wear? I asked myself. I walked to my closet and starting digging. ok, this cotton white dress is perfect and some flats. I took my bag up and grab a novel from my book shelf to read at lunch. ok lets go as I took a look into the mirror.

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