Who knew

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My breakfast is ready of course mom made everything.

"Mom!" she rushed through the kitchen door with gloves on, oh yea she's definitely planting flowers.

"oh honey, you look so adorable " she said as she walked up to me and held me from behind.

"Mom, I'm almost eight teen could you use another word" as I take a bite of my toast.

"I know, you are growing too fast"

I'll always be your little girl" I whispered

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and took a sip of my orange juice.

" See you later mom"

" Have a good first day"

she stood at the door and watched as I walked out. I stood directly in front of the garage waiting. I checked my watch . Oh, Its just 7: 50 any minute now the school bus will be here. as is stood there I took notice of the huge house across from the street its even better up close. As I looked i noticed that one of the curtains upstairs made a move. why am I staring? that's bad manners I looked away quick as I could. oh, here comes the bus. As the bus was inches away from me I noticed the front door of the house was pulled open. oh wow, I cant see anything now. I stepped up in the bus and took a seat by the window I tried to look as quick as I could but all I saw was black boots hopping into the black sports van. I plugged my earphones in to keep myself distracted and ignore the noise of teenagers gossiping.

That was quick 25 minutes and we are here. Welcome to Nathan Hale High the signs says, great here we go. I stepped off the bus and started walking, my first class today will be literature my favourite of course. I entered the hallway just need to fine my locker, here we are my locker was marked with my name because i'm new here. I packed my extra stuff away and head to class. The door was open and i was the first of course always early, not a bad thing ok. I got my self prepared took out everything i needed and placed them on my desk.

"Hello" a voice says from behind'

When i turned around it was girl with long dark hair, way darker than mine. She was wearing some real nice boots, a leather skirt and a over sized t-shirt. Her hair was let down and she had glasses on, she was really pretty. As she came closer i noticed her eyes were grey and very bold, she took a seat beside me.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth but you can call me lizzy" i gave a warm smile

'i'm anna " she smiled. " hey you were that girl this morning standing across from our house"

" oh yea, I'm new to the neighbor hood and here too" i said.

" Great! you can come over anytime" she smiled.

The class was starting to get busy as everyone entered. Our teacher introduced herself and started a discussion about Romeo and Juliet, class went by fast and we were out for lunch.

" Come sit with me " anna said as we strolled down the halls into the lunch room.

I grabbed my snack from my bag and we sat at a table in the corner.

" Its so good to have a neighbor so close my age, Mr. rogers and his wife were killing me" we both giggled. " How do you like the neighbor hood so far? i know its a bit boring but  my brother throws the best pool parties"

" Its good and i'm use to the silent boring places anyways" i chuckled, its always been me, my mom and dad, now that he passed its just us"

" So sorry to hear that Lizzy, its ok you have me now. Our parents wont mind they are always busy travelling anyways" she squeezed my hand.

We talked through the entire lunch period. I told her what was life like in my small town and she did the same about seattle.

' there goes the bell i said"

"What class do you have next Lizzy?"

"Biology i rolled my eyes"

"Good luck, Mr. Ford is a real pain" she whispered with a grin. " if you don't mind you can get a ride with us home if you'd like, my brother Christian goes here too"

"uhm, sure if it wont be a problem"

" its fine, he doesn't bite she smiled, see you after class" she got up and went off.

I got up and walked down the hall searching for the science lab, i'm gonna be late i can tell this school is really huge and my feet hurts already. I walked down this lonely hall still searching. wow, i'm lost i said to my self annoyed. As i got closer and turned the corner i saw a the sign that says " Biology Birds" wow this is way over my head. as i got closer i stumbled up on a guy and girl in the corner making out and touching each other OMG! this is sooo embarrassing, I've never really seen porn but that looked soo much like it.

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