Untitled Part 5

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I can feel his eyes even thou he's trying to keep them on the road. I started tugging at the hem of my skit.


She doesn't where makeup so how is it that her face is this perfrct? stop it chris I say to myself. I know I'm making her nervous by looking at her and i love how scared and intimidated she looks. Her outfit is hideous again i rolled my eyes. seriously, she needs to do better. wait, why do i have a problem with her outfit? I would never look at a girl like that ever, she's naive and i can tell and it would be way too easy anyways.

"here we are" i pulled up into the schools parking lot. She hurried out the van as if she was afraid of me, good. I don't need her around anyways.

" Lets go anna" she said as our eyes met, " Thanks " she said to me.

" Just know this wont be a regular thing" I said. She look me straight in the eyes a bit hurt and surprised I couldn't tell if she wanted to run or cry. Why am I being such a jerk to this poor innocent girl who did nothing to me? She walked away and I watched.


As I walked away from him I kept replaying his voice in my head. Why do I need to be around this guy? I asked myself. Anna is sweet and she makes me feel so welcomed but, I cant continue to be humiliated by her brother who I did nothing to, I wont ride with them anymore as from now on I'll be taking the bus. The day went by fast and anna and I had a great literature class,  I ended taking P.E as well. I'm happy that I didn't run into Christian today he makes me so nervous. The day  ended and its time to go home I stood at the bus stop waiting.

'" Hey"  A voice came from my right side.

" Hi" I said.

"I'm Asher" he said as he came a little closer.

" Elizabeth. But everyone calls he Lizzy".

Asher the guy with curly brown hair and tanned skin, his eyes are relaxed and I can tell he works out by his muscles screaming through his black shirt. His jeans are skinny ripped and he has a nice black boots on. Wow, I guess everyone here where's boots. Must be because of the weather.

" Friends with Anna right? he asked

" Yea, neighbors actually" I said

" Cool" he smiled

Before we could say another word Christian van pulled up. God help I said while gripping my bag strap tighter .  Christian hopped out the van.

" Hey Asher" Christian said with a upset look on his face, He then look at me " Lizzy get in the van"

My heart stopped for a moment. "w...what? I stuttered.

"Lizzy you heard me, get in the van" he said looking straight at me.

" Chris chill, we were just talking and waiting on the bus" Asher said with a smirk.

" I'm not going with you, besides where is anna? I asked I asked in a low tone.

" Why are you so fucking stubborn! elizabeth if you don't get in that van I'll carry you my damn self". He shouted.

I jumped at his words and head swiftly to the van. I watched from the front seat as he moved closer to asher, I hope he doesn't hurt him. He's making his way back to the van I literally wish I could disappear . He came in and slammed the door and drove off in rage.

"Why did you do that?' I asked with my voice trembling.

"Listen, my sister really likes you which means I have to tolerate you. Asher is my friend but he's no one to  mess with or be around"

"oh" I said tugging at my skirt tale. The ride was silent for a while until he broke it.

" Why do you always have to dress like this?" he asked

" What do you mean " I asked looking down at myself. "I am comfortable with way I dress, trust me"

" You dress like your going to a church convention or something. Come on! aren't you like 18?

I swallowed with a big gulp. " is it a thing for you to hurt my feelings? FYI I'm comfortable with the way I dress, why do you have a issue with my clothes? is that I don't dress like your Catherine?" I shouted.

He started to slow don't and I realized he was pulling up to park. I don't know if I should scream or run, he turned to me.

" I would never want to be seen with someone like you ever. Don't think I have an issue I'm just stating the obvious so calm down"

l could feel the tears and I couldn't help but let them flow. I kept tugging at my skirt as I started into his eyes.

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