Untitled Part 4

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We walked out and reached into the parking lot, christain was standing a few feet away talking with some guys as anna and i stood outside his van waiting.

" Hey baby"  A girl walked up and grabbed chritsian by the hair and started making out, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. This girl was good height, nice blonde hair, eye brows looking well tweezed and together, her outfit says play boy mansion than school.

" I don't get why you talk to Catherine, mom and dad does not approve of her chris" anna yelled as we entered the van.

" And who are you to say something about who i date?" he scowled.

"Christian you could get any girl there is, why Catherine? "

" We are the same kind" he said out loud and gave out a laugh. " Besides Catherine and i are only fucking" he giggled.

I kept real quiet in the back seat,trying to hold my head down as possible. He is so rude, its like having sex is nothing to him, i could never even consider being with someone like him. I held my head up to see how far we  were and that's when he started to adjust his mirror and we made eye contact.

I'm starting to get real nervous i cant wait to get out.

" Hey anna, do you read?" i asked

" how'd you know?" she answered and turned around to me.

" I just had a feeling"

" Have anything i could borrow? would love to take a feel in your world of books"

"Of course, i'll lend you one of my Favourite " Pride and Prejudice".

" Oh wow, she reads" Christian said.

" Is that a problem because i can tell everything is" i fought back with words.

" Relax miss preppy" As she gripped the steering tighter and gave the van a fast swung so i would be pushed to the other side.

" Christian has a wall filled with books but no one is allowed to go into his room or touch them" anna blurted.

'' Fuck anna! you talk to much, here we are goodbye and get out"

" Bye Lizzy!

" see you tomorrow anna" i said and shut the door.

I entered through the front door, mom was laying on the couch. The place looks really tidy, mom must have worked all day.

" Hi honey how was your first day?"

" it was ok mom, wasn't so bad" i lied, that guy made it feel like hell on my first day.

" Great, dinners in the microwave ill be here if you need me"

I grab some juice from the kitchen and i could hear mom giggling to an episode of Golden Girls, it's good to see her happy that she's actually laughing. I head upstairs, wow! mom's touch.  My room was clean and tidy, my closet was organized and everything was set up.  I showered and got comfy in some t-shirt and yoga pants, i checked my email for my assignment, nothing. I shut my laptop down and straight to bed.

As usual my alarm goes off, I'm up got dressed and down stairs. Breakfast is ready, mom must have made it and went back to bed ill send her text.  As I stood at the front of the garage waiting for the bus, here comes the big black van I'm doomed. The van pulled up at my feet and the window went down.

" Hop in or i'll change my mind" Christian said.

" Sorry I'll wait for the bus" I said

"Lizzy please, anna voice said as the window of the back seat went down. her face lights up with a smile but a bit sad. " the back is filled with stuff you could sit at the front " she said.

" Oh no, you should I don't wanna"

" Just get in already!" Christian shouted

I jumped at his words and got up into the van"

" I stayed silent during the drive, anna was on her phone. Christian turned on his radio and " The banner started playing ( song- start a riot). I started to sing along silently and I noticed from the corner of my eyes he's looking at me.

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