Chapter 1- the Hogwarts Express

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Elsa's POV

It was September 1- at least everyone who participated in the war was coming back to Hogwarts to redo their 7th year- well technically it's 8th year- a lot of people died during the war and these past other years. 

I was sitting by myself in a compartment when someone knocked. Have I not introduced myself yet? [I lost track] well, then my name is Elsa Wolf. 

Yes I know silly last name is it? But I have that last name because my family is all werewolves. Yes, you heard me, werewolves but everyday more and more of my pack are getting ill 'cause our moonstones are low on power [they are a type of stone that has power to well, keep us from dying], my mother sent half of the pack to a town called Seabrook, and yea. Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter are the eldest of that half. 

Anyways let's get back, someone had knocked on the door, I looked up and saw 

"Malfoy. What do you want?" I asked 

"could I? Everywhere else is full" he asks, 'strange, normally he isn't like this' I say to myself, "this one time. That's it" I say. When he sits I notice a blue light from underneath his shirt, "what's that blue light?" I ask 

"what light?" Draco asks, 

"never mind" I say and look back through the window. 'Ugh! I really want to take this hood off'I say to myself, yes my mother made me, just in case I lose myself as in howling at the moon, my eyes going yellow and fangs baring. I'm warning you now, it's not a pretty site. 

"Wolf, wolf, [Draco will regret this] Elsa" Draco says, I look at him 

"what?" I ask 

"what's with the hood?" he asks 

"it's n-cough-cough-cough-cough-cough, nothing" I say 

"what was that all about?" he asks, I'm starting to get mad, 

"I said it was nothing" I say, losing my temper but not showing it. 

"Alright, alright, don-" Draco says and he hears a growl coming from me, 

"ok, what was that"he asks, as another growl escapes my mouth. He stops asking questions, 'merlin, thank you' I say. 

Published September 28 9:00am

Words- 367

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