Chapter 6- the proposal

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Draco's POV

It was time. I walked up to her dorm and knocked on the portrait, "Coming" I heard her say, when she opened the portrait, I saw my future wife, "well.." Elsa says "oh, sorry. You look amazing, shall we get going then?" I ask and stick out my hand, she laughs a little "we shall, my dragon" she says and we make our way to the Great Hall. Once we got there, it was nearly full. "Your attention please?" asked professor Mcgonagall, we all looked at her, "thank you. We are now just waiting for the first years from Ravenclaw, oh here they are, you may continue" says Mcgonagall and she goes over to professor Flitwick.

"Draco, is it alright if I go talk to my friends and Professor Sinistra?" Elsa asked "sure, Mcgonagall will let us know when we can dance. That is if you want to?"' I ask ' I'm an idiot, a nervous wreck. Get your head in the game, dray. This is the girl of your dreams, now don't mess it up' I say to myself "I'd love to" Elsa says and walks over to Loon- sorry Luna Lovegood and Astoria and Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini, walk over to me "hey, Dray" Pansy says and the others chorus "hi" I say "Draco, you gonna-" Blaise starts but I stop him, "yes, Blaise, I will but you have to give it time" I say "could you at least show us the ring?" asked Astoria "you've already seen it" I say about to explode but before I could, Professor Mcgonagall stepped up, "your attention please?" asks Mcgonagall, we all look up at her, "thank you. Now, Professor Flitwick is going to start the music, and then you may begin to dance, Professor, if you will" she says to Flitwick, he nods and starts the music, and if right on cue Elsa walks over. "Do you want to dance?" I ask as my friends slink away, "I'd love to" she says and we go to dance. As people fill in, I have my plan when to propose. 

After about 10-15 minutes or so we took a break from dancing, and Potter and Weaslette walked over to us, "hi Ginny, Harry" Elsa says "Hi Els, Gin, I'm gonna head over to Ron and 'Mione"Harry says. 

Elsa's POV

"Ok Harry" "so, you having fun?" I ask as Draco walks up to one of the Professor's "actually now that you mention it, I am. I'm excited for the special announcement" Ginny says "me too" I say just as Harry pulls Ginny away, 'ok, that's weird, first Draco now Harry and Gin. What the Bloody hell is going on here?!' I ask myself just as I sit down and Luna comes over, "Luna! How are you?" I ask "quite well, but I have a thought that Nargles are behind it" Luna says "what's a nargle?" I ask "Nargles are magical creatures that live in mistletoe." Luna says as Mcgonagall steps up, "your attention? Thank you. Now we will have our announcement to be heard but before we do, the band- the Weird Sisters- will sing us a song that was hand-picked by your announcer. You may begin" she says.

(Here are the lyrics, because youtube is not working for me, anyways- the song is Show Me the Light)

I'm out here on my own
To face the day alone
I need you to get me through the night

I'm lost out in the cold
I want someone to hold
I feel you're near, though you're out of sight

And even though we're far apart
I search the moonlit sky
I make a wish to be home with you
Can't you hear me cry?

Show me the light
Someone to lead and guide me
Show me the light
A love to stand beside me
Show me the light
When I fear the dark
A ray of sunshine, a rainbow's arc
Show me the light

I'm reaching for a star
Wondering where you are
Where is the love searching for me too?
Oh, beyond the mountain top
The dream will never stop
Give me a sign
I'm running out of time

Oh, I know someone is on their knees
Praying for me now
Won't you come and hear my pleas?
Save me somehow
Oh, somehow

Show me the light
Someone to lead and guide me
Show me the light
A love to stand beside me
Show me the light
When I fear the dark
A ray of sunshine, a rainbow's arc
Show me the light.

I had tears in my eyes for no reason, but probably because that song was lovely, I wander who it was for. Mcgonagall stepped up and said "now we will have our announcer make his announcement to a special someone" and she stepped down just as Draco knelt down in front of me, "Elsa Dawn Wolf, when we first met I couldn't take my eyes off you because when we locked eyes, something inside me lit up and I knew from that day forward, we could be more than enemies. I've noticed that you've grown fond of Slytherin but Ravenclaw is your true House and it will always be no matter where, when, and what House you get resorted into. My words are as they say, will you take the honor of being my wife?" Draco said in a loving tone, I was crying of joy, I didn't know what to say except to nod my head. Draco stood up and slid the ring on (picture of ring at the top) and kissed me full of passion.

Draco's POV

She nodded, when she did I stood up, slipped the ring on and kissed her, in front of the entire school. I heard wolf-whistles and claps around us, this was the happiest moment in all of my life, I'm surprised she even said yes! After we kissed, people congratulated us and we parted for a little while, my friends came over to me and congratulated me, but just as Elsa and I were about to kiss, someone with blue and purple hair came up to the podium, "may we have your attention please?" asked the blue, we look at her "thank you. Now we're really sorry if we're ruining this but we would like to say- who are you- well, I'm Evie and the purple is Mal. Now as I was saying, we are good friends to Elsa and Draco, so if you two lovebirds could come up." Evie says, and we head up "thanks, now I would like to say that we actually planned this all out, and of course Draco told us when he was going to do it. That is all we have to say, oh and Good luck to your future. By the way, invite us to the wedding" Mal says before she and Evie rushed out of the Hall, and we made our way down the podium, "can-" I start "they can't apparate, but they can use Floo Powder" Elsa says. 

Words- 1151

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