Chapter 4- Mcgonagall's announcement

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Draco's POV-breakfast

Wolf's been acting strange whenever someone asks a question over and over again a few growls escape her mouth, and how did she see my moonstone necklace? Gah! "Cough-cough-cough-cough" I say, and I'm right in the middle of the Slytherin table. I noticed Elsa, wait did I just call her by her first name? Doesn't matter, she was coughing at the same time I was... "Draco?" Pansy asked, making me forget my train of thoughts, "what?" I ask annoyed, "are you alright Draco, you're acting very strange?" Astoria says, I look down at my plate, and say nothing, "Draco, what is up with you? Pansy asks, no reply but I growl, "what was that" Blaise asks, two growls, I look up and see Elsa growling at Blaise, Daphne, Pansy, and Astoria. Elsa must have noticed me looking in her direction, she got up and ran outside, thank merlin it's Saturday. I got up and followed her in the "Forbidden Forest?, what's she doing in there?" I ask myself, and follow. Once I get in the forest I see the Wolf den, I also see Aunt Iduna, and my cousin Mia- 'this was a bad idea' I say to myself, just as they start to howl, "AWOO!" they howl in usion, I can't resist, "AWOO!" I howl, they look over to me, "Malfoy? 2 questions, 1: how did you find the Wolf den? And 2: are you a werewolf?" she asks, "2 answers, 1: I found the den by following you here and my parents live here [in the Forbidden Forest?] yes, here in the forest. 2: yes, I am a werewolf. Born one, that's why you noticed the moonstone" I say out of breath, "right. Wait, aren't your parents Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy?" Elsa asks "yea, why?" "Because our mothers are sisters, well blood-related" Elsa says, "AWOOO!" a howl goes "that's Ella" Elsa says and takes off. 

3rd person POV

Ella just howled, "who?" Draco asks and takes off with Elsa, "Ella" Elsa yells, "oh right" she says, "AWOOO!", "AWOOO!" howl's Ella, then Draco was guessing that Ella was in trouble. Once they got there, Elsa saw Ella caught in a jumble of tree branches, "Ella, how did you manage?" Elsa asks, Ella shrugs. After they got her untangled, they headed back to then Den, when suddenly "cough-cough-cough-cough-cough" Elsa and Draco go, "are you two a- cough-cough-cough-cough- alright? Never mind" Ella says "what was that?' Draco asks "you don't know? [no] so it was your first time that it happened? ''Elsa asked "no" Draco answers "well, since you have a moonstone necklace-[how long]?- [ever since I was born. Why?]" Elsa said "because our necklaces are running out of energy. My aunt Iduna[we're not cousins] I know but it just a habit plus your mum says its fine, anyways she sent out half of the pack to a town called Seabrook, long story short, Elsa's cousins are looking for the moonstone" Ella says "the energy source of our moonstones" Draco says. After they drop off Ella at the den, Elsa and Draco make their way back to Hogwarts making sure no one is around, when it was clear they snuck back inside and into the Slytherin common room. "Well that was fun" joked Elsa "yes it was, although i still don't know who Ella is. Who is she?" asked Draco, Elsa looks at Draco and then looks away "it all started 12 years ago..." Elsa said-

Flashback- 3rd person POV

Elsa was 6 years old and her mother was sitting with her younger sister reading a book, when a knock goes by the door, "Elsa, take your sister"Mother says to Elsa, she nods and takes baby Mia in her arms, Mother goes to open the door, "Wylda! [Ella! Lizzy!] what are you doing here?" Mother asks "I am so sorry Iduna, but it's Bill he's really ill and I have to be there with him and..." Wylda starts "Elsa, you Eleanor, Lizzy and Mia go play, I'll call you in for dinner" Mother says, the four girls go off into the forest, "you were saying?" Mother asks, "its Bill he's gotten hurt and the nurse is taking care of him, and I couldn't leave the children at mothers so" Wylda says between the edge to break down "Wylda, you go to Bill. I'll look after Lizzy and Eleanor." Mother said and Wylda leaves.

Next week,

"Girls, come on. Elsa, grab your sister, you too Ella" Mother says "we're heading over to your mothers". Once they got there, there wasn't any noise, well inside the house that is, "girls, head into Ella's room and start putting things in boxes" Mother says and the four girls make their way into Ella and Lizzy's room while mother makes her way into Wyldas room, when mother goes into her room silence hangs in the air. Mother spots a note, it reads this

"Dear Iduna,

If you are reading this you will know I am dead. After Bill had died in the hospital, I couldn't get over the grief that part of my soul/heart was missing. He wasn't pleased that he couldn't get to see his daughters one last time. But, we are in a better place now, so please, please look after our daughters, and please consider them as your own. They will eventually learn to live, laugh, and love one another. Tell this to all four girls please, these are Bill's last words, here are Bill's last words to them,

"To my dearest Eleanor, keep being the girl you are, don't ever stop being brave, kind and funny. I shall always, always love you, even when i am gone. To my dearest Elizabeth, keep being you, don't ever stop being funny, kind and caring. I shall always love you even, when I am gone. 

To my dearest Elsa, now I know that you are not my daughter but you are like a daughter to me, a sister to Eleanor. Elsa, keep being the girl you are, don't you ever give up on yourself, if someone is down or have mixed emotions, lighten them up a bit. You are a brave, kind, loving, and caring soul, so don't ever stop being you are. 

To my dearest Mia, you're a strong and wonderful listener, you know what to do, when know one is around. I love you all even if Elsa and Mia aren't my true daughters, take care of each other and listen to your heart. I love you all.

To my dearest Elizabeth, you're a strong young girl and I was so happy the day I held you in my arms, and I want that to happen to you one day. Although I'll be unable to walk down the ailse with you arm in arm. I want you to keep being the girl you are."

Those are his last words to the girls, and speaking of which, I love you, Iduna. You are like a sister to me and will always be a sister to me. Take care of the girls.

Signed yours truly, Wylda and Bill Wolverine.

Mother had just finished reading the note. 

Present, Elsa's POV

"-and ever since then we've been like family. And thanks for listening to my story ''I finish the story. "Well, that was, um fascinating." Draco says and we part rooms, "goodnight, Snow Angel" Draco says, I freeze in my tracks before saying "goodnight, my dragon". 

OK, now I know it was sappy, but I had to now turn the page,

Words- 1258

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