Chapter 10: Hogsmeade!!!

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The next morning....

I woke up to find an empty spot next to me, "Ells?" I call out, "I'm right here" Elsa says and steps out of the bathroom, "what-" I start "nevermind. Where are you going?" "Sinistra's, to hand in the essay that you hid, remember?" Elsa asks sarcastically, I laugh nervously, "anyways, I'll send a Patronus before I leave, and by the way it's Hogsmeade weekend so, I'll also be going with 'Mione, Ron, Harry and Gin to Hogsmeade you can tag along if you want. Love you" Elsa says and leaves the room.

Hermione's POV

"Ron, come on, be serious will you? If you can trust Elsa then you can trust Draco-" I say "'Mione's right, mate, if he does tag along you'll have to trust him and-"Harry starts just as the door opens, "sorry, I'm late" Elsa says "no your not late, well by 5 minutes you are anyways what held you up?" asks Ginny "Sinistra" replies Elsa "so, what's the first stop in Hogsmeade?" "Actually I was thinking about splitting up, Harry and Ron can do their things and me, Gin and you could do ours then meet up in the Three Broomsticks after about an hour and a half, sound good?" I ask, they all nod. "Good, now let's head out to Hogsmeade!" says Ginny and we make our way to the front doors and to Hogsmeade we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hogsmeade Village-

The boys parted from us, well there was a lot of snogging from Harry and Gin, I'm even surprised Els covered her eyes, anyways, they left and we made our way to- "um, where are we going exactly?" asked Gin "I didn't think that far ahead" I say "well there's, Dervish and Banges, Gladrags Wizardwear, The Hog's Head, Honeydukes Sweetshop, Madam Puddifoot's, Post Office, Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, The Shrieking Shack, The Three Broomsticks, and Zonko's Joke Shop. which one?" asked Elsa "um, what about Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, I need a new quill" says Gin "then we'll go to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop" I say and we go there.

With the boys....

Harry's POV

We were walking along the road when I saw the girls enter Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, "OI, Harry!" Ron hollered bringing me back to reality "what is it, mate?" I ask "could we go to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, I need-" Ron starts "we can't, I saw the girls enter so we'll just have to wait or we could go to Zonko's Joke Shop" I suggest but Ron already was running in the direction of Zonko's Joke Shop.

With the girls..

Hermione's POV

We exited Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, and headed to The Shrieking Shack, me, Harry, and Ron were in there in 3rd year long story, "oh, 'Mione, could we head t-to the Three Broomsticks please?" Elsa asked {it was still a little cold, well the month is February yea} "sure, c'mon" I say and we head in the direction of the Three Broomsticks, we walk in and find a table, then Madam Rosemerta walks over, "what can I get you three? Elsa, the usual, (Butterbeer) you two?" she asks "we'll just have a Butterbeer please" Gin says and hands over 3 Galloens, "Els, what's the usual?" I ask "Butterbeer. I come here with Professor Sinistra sometimes" Elsa says just as the boys walk in, "OI, Harry, they're over there" says Ron and they walk over, and Madam Rosmerta walks over, again "what can I get you two" she says referring to Harry and Ron, "we'll just have a Butterbeer please" says Harry as he hands over 2 Galloens, the she walks away, "so where did you lot go first?" asks Harry, "well, first we went to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, then we were about to head to the Shrieking Shack, but we ended up here, what about you two?" I ask "Zonko's Joke Shop, and that's about it" says Ron, "hey, Harry do you remember 3rd year?" I ask "yes, why do you ask?" "well, we were going to go to the Shrieking Shack but we ended up here, but still do you remember Scabbers?" I ask "how could I not?" "Sorry to but in, but who's Scabbers?" Ginny asks and Elsa nods, "well he was my pet rat, but he really wasn't really a rat, he was an Animagus, he was Percy's-" Ron starts "what Ronald is trying to say is that, Scabbers was not a rat, he was a Death Eater, his name was Peter Pettingrew-" "all that was left of Pettigrew was a finger" says Elsa "yes, anyways he was also the person who was Harry's parents Secret-Keeper and he betrayed them to You-Know-Who and then Sirius Black cornered him when he did, Pettigrew killed 13 people with one curse, {the killing curse, right} yes, that one, then Sirius was sent to Azkaban-"

About 5 minutes later I was done telling 3rd year and I finished just as Madam Rosmerta walked over with 5 Butterbeers, "enjoy" she says and walks off.

WORDS: 823

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