Chapter 15: Many years later...

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Many years later- Elsa age 20 Draco age 21.

Elsa's POV.

Today's the big day, we get to say "I do" to each other.

My wedding dress is a light blue (something blue) with dark green stars, my dress represents Ravenclaw and Slytherin. I'm wearing white high heels, silver dangle earrings (something old, my mothers), Ginny's Great-Aunt Murial's tiara(something borrowed) that Fleur wore when she and Bill got wedded, and something new, which I don't have. "Elsa, I want you to have this" says Eleanor, who Lizzie and Mia are right behind her. I turn around to see my sisters in stunning blue dresses with green sparkles and white snowflakes, "you look amazing. Really, and honest. Now what was it that you wanted me to have?" I ask "well, we found it and we thought that it would bring you joy and predictable happiness and maybe never take it off. Anyways, here" Mia says and opens the lid of the box in which there was a necklace that was in the shape of a heart and it had mine and Draco's initials on it. "D+E=Love'"and on the back there were the words "I can't lose you not now, not ever" and "Always together, Never apart" and they were right, predictable happiness and joy. "Want it on?" Elizabeth asks "Mrs.Malfoy" she adds, "yes", I turn around and pull my hair to the side. Lizzie outs it on. "There, it's perfect with your dress" Ella says, "now, what about your hair? (what about my hair?) There's now way our sister's getting married with her hair down, we could braid it. A bun maybe?" Mia looks at the other two. "Ooh, I know we could do what she did for the End of the Year ball. Which was a French braid, right? Ok, so that's what we'll do then". 5-10 minutes later, "now, the tiara" says a voice "are you-" I was about to ask "Ginny's and the others Great-Aunt Murial, yes. Now as I said, the tiara please" she asks and Ella carefully hands over the Goblin-Made tiara to her, she places it on my head. "There now you look amazing, I should go and sit, see in a little" she says and goes. Arthur walks me down the aisle, and while I'm walking down the aisle, there's faint singing.

"Here comes the bride dressed all in light

Radiant and lovely she shines in his sight

Gently she glides graceful as a dove

Meeting her bridegroom, her eyes full of love.

Love have they waited long have they planned

Life goes before them opening her hand.

Asking god's blessing as they begin

Life with new meaning, life shared as one

Entering God's union, bowed before His throne

Promise each other to have and to hold". Sings the choir.

After the party and the reception, we go home. Yes, we have a home, we bought one quite literally 2 weeks before the wedding and I think that we made the right choice.***********************************************************************************.

WORDS- 488

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