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Elsa and Draco's POV, after credits. Sort of., (also on Honeymoon)

Elsa- So we just got married 2 days ago, and we are at our Honeymoon, which actually Draco's parents paid and did all this. And I felt that we made the right choice of getting married and dating and all that other loving couple stuff.

Draco- Yea, they did. And I think that Molly and Arthur helped with some of it. And I do agree, of making the right choice.

Elsa- You think so?

Draco- Yea

Elsa- Huh? Well we'll just have to wait until we get back to the Burrow.

Draco- We hope that you have enjoyed this story about us and how, where, when and why we ended up being together. Oh, now that I think about it, you should tell them how I ended up proposing to you.

Elsa- Oh yeah, I remember that. So, you all know that I love, and mean LOVE, Astronomy, and Draco LOVES Potions. Well, it was in 8th year, the year just after the Battle of Hogwarts and I was on my way to the Astronomy tower and by the way this was in the middle of November, anyways, I was on the my to the tower where I just so happen to turn in an empty corridor and I saw literally the most disgusting thing that I saw, well nevermind. I saw Draco or Harry- which one was it?

Draco- Me, I was pushing him against the wall

Elsa- Yea so, I saw Draco snogging Harry, Draco was the one who was pushing him against the wall, and when I said "Would you get a room?" After I said that they pulled apart, blushing a deep crimson red, it was legit that no one knew except for Pansy, Blaise, and Mione. And you could see, Oh, Oh, Oh. ha-ha-ha-ha, you are blushing right now

Draco- I know I am

Elsa- He is blushing right now, and clearly ashamed of what he did.

Draco- It was a stupid idea and I was only 18, Merlin's beard

Elsa- So, anyways, there were candles that were lightly dimming the corridor and you could see them blush, I ran the other way to the tower not sure why though

Draco- 'Cause you saw us snog that's why and you were 17

Elsa- Anyways, and that's pretty much what had happened. So stay tuned for more and,

Draco- Be sure that you check out the second part of this,

Elsa- Where it gets interesting, but not like that.

Draco-Elsa- Bye!!

Elsa- And I haven't taken the necklace off not even once, Ok bye.! And we are wolves no more!!!

WORDS- 428

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