Chapter 7- Graduation

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Draco's POV

About a month or two has passed since I proposed to Elsa, Elsa Dawn. What? I like her middle name, or at least I though she told me her middle name was Lily, anyway, it doesn't matter. What matters is that we're getting married in 2 years, so technically I gave her a promise ring but still...... "Draco!" Elsa nearly screamed "what" I said blankly, ok so I was daydreaming, "were you not listening?" she asked "no, sorry snow angel" I said and pecked her, 'my dragon' Elsa thought to herself, "as I was saying, graduation is coming up and we should start looking for jobs, I've found a few while you doing, Salazar who knows what" Elsa said, finally saying "Salazar" "finally you say 'Salazar' instead of 'Merlin', you said you found a few" I say, she shoots me a glare, "and yes I found some, here" Elsa says handing me the parchment, "oh, by the way, Mcgonagall's looking for a new potions master in a few years and a new Astronomy teacher. So I was thinking, since we got a high grade in our N.E.W.Ts, (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests), you could learn Potions while I learn about what Professor Sinistra teaches and maybe, just maybe, Mcgonagall will let us in" Elsa says "so what do you think?" "I think it's bloody brilliant" says a voice "hello Harry. Wait, how'd you get the password?" "Ginny" Harry says "Pot- Harry, why do you think we'd be professors" I ask "well, you two have been good at Astronomy and Potions ever since, well Els, you took Astronomy in what year?" asked Harry "3rd" "but still you aced it, and Draco aces Potions so in my opinion, go for it, and Els, I'm pretty sure your father would say the same thing. I should probably head back to Gin, or she'd hex me into oblivion, see ya. Also talk to 'Mione" and with that he left. "Um, Els, what was Harry talking about when he said "I'm pretty sure that your father would say the same thing", I don't understand" I say "I told the trio that I- I never knew my father, preferably of what my mother said to me was that he left her with just the two us of then I also-" Elsa starts "wow, wow, wow, hold up, a few months ago when we were walking back from the Forbidden Forest you said that you had three sisters" I say "well, it's quite a long story" "tell me, love, but before you do I want you to know that when you don't want to continue, I'll be right here, the entire time. Dragon's promise" I say "ok here goes nothing. I was currently 6 at the time, and a few weeks ago mother just had my baby sister Mia Willow Wolf, I was asleep, well my parents thought I was asleep, but I heard Mia cry so I got up and took care of her then when I tried putting her back in her bassinet, she clung on to me, so I ended up carrying her back to my room, where then we were passing through my parents room, where I heard voices "Iduna, you have a choice, to either go and leave the children in my cappleable hands, or I leave and go to my other soul" I heard father said "John, what on earth are you talking about?" mother asked, I suppose father turned a bright red, "I said the last part out loud didn't I?" asked father "yes, you did. Now you better explain" mother said in her demanding tone "oh, alright. I have been sneaking out at night and seeing someone, (Who is it? I want the whole truth) her name's Isabelle, and we get along easily and-"father started "you start seeing someone else, right after I had Mia!! I am angry at you John, I expected more from you, you even said right then and there the day you proposed to me, "you and I will never be parted, only in death we shall part from life and death", now that- that you're doing this to me and my children-" mother screamed, "our child" father started, "no, my children. There are now mine and I have full custody of them, because for the past whenever you started sneaking out, I had eyes on you the whole time, don't ask me how, but I'm disowning you, so GET OUT, JOHNATHAN!!!" mother screamed and I quickly and quietly slipped back into my room, where then Mia started crying and I-I-I" Elsa nearly finished by she didn't "hey, hey, I'm here and I'll always be. Do you want to continue?" I asked "yes, I want you to know. Mia started crying so I took care of her until I heard fath- er John come in, "Elsa, dear, let me-" John started but I backed away and that led to Mia crying even harder and louder. Mother was right on his tail and when she came into the room, mother told John that she was a witch and hexed him right there and then, then she obliviated him, packed his things and disowned him from our family. She calmed both of us down and the a few weeks later my aunt Wylda came over and then that's how I learned to live, laugh, and love Eleanor and Elizabeth, and we've been sisters since" Elsa finished. I just sat there shocked , and a minute later Elsa broke down,, and I cradled her.

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